Is this a bug? on 11/12/2019 07:02 PM CST
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Is this a bug? Or just some sort've terrible efficiency in the way our mental stats work?

As a Warrior Mage (lore secondary) I was training Performance with someone (Empath- lore primary) who has nearly the exact same skill ranks as me, but only 20 ranks of Intel and Wisdom, compared to my 90 ranks Wisdom and 80 ranks intelligence:

Performance: 50 44.03% very engaged (23/34) <- Me Him -> Performance: 50 36.39% very engaged (23/34)

Then after one pulse:

Performance: 50 57.64% engaged (22/34) <- Me Him -> Performance: 50 49.95% very focused (21/34)

My gain was 13.61% and his gain was 13.56%

Meaning... with 90 Wisdom and 80 Intelligence, compared to 20 ranks Wisdom and 20 ranks Intelligence...
So in a nut shell... I did some math... and to get to 90 ranks Wisdom it cost me 11,880 TDPs, and for the Intelligence it cost 9,345 TDPs. For a Grand total of 21,225 TDPs you too can earn 00 00.05% more per pulse as a Lore secondary Guild, compared to a Lore Primary Guild.

Eeek! Knowing this... I don't think I'll bother putting the TDPs to learn the remaining ranks to get to 100 in mental stats.
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Re: Is this a bug? on 11/13/2019 07:41 AM CST
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There are other variables you don't discuss.

I assume both characters are not F2P:

Rested EXP?

Bonus pool?

But yes, after 30, mental stats impact on learning drops, and drops again after 60, this has been known for quite a while. With the HE gift this year, some solid numbers were able to be put to it though.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors." -Raesh
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