EMA on 07/03/2002 11:12 PM CDT
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Hey folks, just curious if this is a Rigby thing?

If so I'll wait a few days, if not, is this considered done?


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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 12:08 AM CDT
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I've got to agree with Xav, even though he didn't make his point clear.

This spell teaches TM, yet doesnt seem to rely on TM at all. An Empath was able to EMA both Xav and I. She's an Empath, her TM isn't THAT good.

Also, this spell is sorcery, shouldn't Empaths be barred from casting it? Clerics are barred from Necromancy.. I thought that was the idea.
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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 01:10 AM CDT
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Allright, time for some damage control/cleanup before this spills out of hand...

1: 'This spell teaches TM, yet doesn't seem to rely on TM at all'

Wrong and wrong.. I believe they input a change recently with all the complaining, needless to say, I can bind something 2 dozen times that I could fireball a few times to get to muddled on TM, and it looks like this...

Primary magic: Mind lock
Targetted magic: Learning

As to the second part of that wrong, the spell uses TM to determine effective duration, accuracy is dependant on primary magic skill, so the empath who manacled both you and Xav might've been an excellent spell caster.

Here's a thought to ponder... Did you break out of the chains in 1 try? Is the empath a lot more experienced then you? Were you knocked to the ground and held, while the chains just crackled with energy a dozen times or so?... If not, then I don't think you've anything to worry about.

2: 'Also, this spell is sorcery, shouldn't empaths be barred from casting it? Clerics are barred from necromancy.. I thought that was the idea'

A sorcery is a combination of elemental mana and something else...

Evocation sorcery is lunar+elemental
Domination sorcery is holy+elemental

I believe blackfire might be a combination of life+elemental, since we've ruled the other two out with research.

A necromancy, is any combination of life energy mixed with something else. I think corruption necromancy is life+elemental, but i'll need to do some more studying and such first. (And you can all thank Pureblade for funding the above research on evocation and domination sorcery, he helped make this possible)..

I believe clerics are barred (if they are, you said in your post) from using perversion necromancy, which is a combination of life+holy power.

Then there's corruption necromancy, which is life+lunar.

This leaves feral magic, which is totally beyond me, unless they plan to introduce spells which have 'evil mana' (remember that? bad NPCs have evil charged cambrinth and such) as part of the spell matrix, then my guestimates on necromancies might be wrong, as one of these may incorporate life+evil energy.

I'll end this post at that...
Just so you know... The sorcery knowledge is FACT, gained from testing, and the simple fact that blackfire must be, since we've determined the other two.

The necromancy knowledge is a WELL EDUCATED GUESS, knowing that necromancy is life+something, and looking at the spells discussed (shadow tend, sleepwalker) we can guess that corruption may be lunar+life, and perversion holy+life, or evil+life (look how sick some of the spells seem... bloodstorm, blood drain, venom, etc.)

Leave feral magic for someone else to figure out... Unless it's like life+bard elemental or something, I have no idea.

-Trazier, edjakated manilist (like elementalist, but with all manas)
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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 01:13 AM CDT
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IT didn't harm you in any way, so why should they be locked out of it?

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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 01:16 AM CDT
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We don't know if they are officially locked out of it, read carefully next time.

All we know is how the GMs have said that holy+life mixing is a Very Bad Thing (tm)...

So it would kinda make sense that the holy people playing with the bane of all things pure... wouldn't go down well with the guild or the gods..

Though we've seen holy and life mix, when Pureblade composted... Though we all expected him to detonate, instead some items decayed, and that was that.
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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 01:18 AM CDT
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Our GameMaster told us that we are completely barred from the use of Necromancy. Since Life and Holy are related in their anti-each-other-ness.. it only makes sense that Life would be barred from Sorcery.

As for the rest of your post, I'm not going to argue against what you said. I'm not going to start posting other peoples skills without their permission.
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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 01:19 AM CDT
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Also, excuse my typo in the first one, where I say corruption necromancy is life+elemental, that elemental should say lunar, which I did later in the post.

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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 01:19 AM CDT
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>IT didn't harm you in any way, so why should they be locked out of it?

Not Empaths.. life magic users in general.
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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 01:23 AM CDT
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<<Our GameMaster told us that we are completely barred from the use of Necromancy. Since Life and Holy are related in their anti-each-other-ness.. it only makes sense that Life would be barred from Sorcery.>>

Necromancy=A perversion of life.

Sorcery=A mixed combination of elemental magic with something else.

With this said, you'd think rangers (or both of yas) would be the ones barred from necromancy, but again, take a look at it... Clerics are the spiritual leaders of the people... or whatever Esuin says, it's been so long... Would it be right to see a cleric doing things that so pervade the lives they lead?

But look at it this way... You go out and shoot an Inkhorne, you lose devotion, you're taking something pure and sacred out of this world...

Now look at it this way... You go out and put something evil and perverse in the world, you lose more then your devotion.

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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 01:25 AM CDT
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Okay, and Terkowitz... can you clarify what side of this fence you're on?

You a cleric?
You a ranger?

If you're a ranger, and you're saying you're barred from using necromancies, this could make sense both ways (since rangers are the ones who protect the cities from the evil and perverse things outside.... which are prolly being summoned by clerics, right? ::duck::)...

I'm curious..
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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 01:25 AM CDT
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Necromancy magic is horribly named. It has absolutely nothing to do with death.

I'm done with this discussion now, I've made my point.
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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 01:26 AM CDT
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>You a cleric? You a ranger?

My character is Smegul, hence the nickname Phantom Bane.
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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 01:27 AM CDT
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<<Necromancy magic is horribly named. It has absolutely nothing to do with death.>>

That's right, it has to do with life, and the alterations of.

<<I'm done with this discussion now, I've made my point.

Well, if you say so... The boards are here for debate, and it's always good to see questions and discussions. G'bye though, hope you've been enlightened somewhat.

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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 01:31 AM CDT
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Oh, so that's what Smegul looks like on the boards... heh... Wish I knew how to give myself a nickname too...

Which leads to even more questions... is phantom bane a cleric title, or a smegul title? I'm too lazy to look, oh well...

But in all honesty... I think either clerics AND rangers should be barred from using these kinds of magic (Put the pitchforks and torches down for a sec, dammit)...

Or no one should be barred from using them, but clerics doing 'bad' necromancies (like raising skeletons and such from the grave, or turning someone's blood to water, or something sickening like that) should take some kind of devotion hit. (While leaving open the other necromancies, like the corruption ones for their use)

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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 01:33 AM CDT
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>but clerics doing 'bad' necromancies (like raising skeletons and such from the grave, or turning someone's blood to water, or something sickening like that)

It will never be possible to do something like that.

>But in all honesty... I think either clerics AND rangers should be barred from using these kinds of magic (Put the pitchforks and torches down for a sec, dammit)...

And I agree, and that was exaclty my point with the second part of my original post. Either we should all be banned (Empaths, Clerics, Paladins, Rangers) or nobody should be banned. Magic 2.1 is all about consistancy, but this part is horribly inconsistant.
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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 01:34 AM CDT
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Heh, anyone ever think of the concept of evil clerics? It is not uncommon for clerics that worship evil deities to use necromancy as a "privilage" to carry out their god's will. Of course I'm not a cleric though, so what would I know. Maybe that option won't exist in DR. If not, boo. <grins>

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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 08:15 AM CDT
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How about we actually get a GM answer before someone derails the thread in self interest eh?


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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 11:55 AM CDT
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>>Necromancy=A perversion of life. Sorcery=A mixed combination of elemental magic with something else. -Trazier<<


Necromancy- The sickening of life. Life mana mixed with elemental or lunar mana.

Sorcery- A mixture of any two of the following mana types; lunar, elemental, holy. Sorcery never includes life mana.

Life and holy mana are never mixable.

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Re: EMA on 07/04/2002 08:00 PM CDT
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>>Necromancy=A perversion of life.

>>Sorcery=A mixed combination of elemental magic with something else.


Gah I needa re-educate you on what Sorcery is, Sorcery is not a combination of Elemental Magic and something else

In fact Domination Sorcery is Lunar and Holy, and has nothing to do with Elemental mana, ofcourse you could be right and have it be elemental and holy that just means that the blackfire sorcery is Holy and Lunar <g>

Necromancy-Mixture of Life mana and Lunar or Elemental mana

Sorcery-Any mixture of the of the two mana types that do not include life

Necromancy books:

Necromantic Corruption-unknown but I'll go with your lunar/life

Necromantic Perversion-lets say elemental/life

Sorcery books:

Evocation Sorcery-Lunar/Elemental

Domination Sorcery-Lunar/holy

Blackfire Sorcery-Elemental/holy

And then theres Feral magic which is unknown to us at the moment

Evocation sorcery is safe to empaths since its only lunar and elemental has no holy mana in it that would cause it to go boom if the empath tried to cast it

the other two should be banned from empaths and rangers
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Re: EMA on 07/05/2002 01:56 AM CDT
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Perhaps blackfire sorcery could be all three mana types then... As I said, I didn't know too much about that, but kudos to the guy who guessed feral was lunar+holy... I hadn't thought of that before, but it fits well also.

Still, the only two facts carved in stone are domination and evocation, I suppose the rest could be made up of just about anything (up to and including GM imagination, heh)

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Re: EMA on 07/05/2002 01:58 AM CDT
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<<In fact Domination Sorcery is Lunar and Holy, and has nothing to do with Elemental mana, >>

I disproved this to the world a while back with my research(More props to Pureblade and company... boy, 4 gold goes a long way, eh?), We KNOW Evocation is elemental+lunar, and Domination is elemental+holy, everything else is only guesswork at the moment, and until I've got hard facts, every guess I make about the other books (which I say), is just that.... a guess.

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Re: EMA on 07/05/2002 02:03 AM CDT
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>>I disproved this to the world a while back with my research(More props to Pureblade and company... boy, 4 gold goes a long way, eh?), We KNOW Evocation is elemental+lunar, and Domination is elemental+holy, everything else is only guesswork at the moment, and until I've got hard facts, every guess I make about the other books (which I say), is just that.... a guess.

It isn't a guess that Blackfire HAS to include Elemental, since Blackfire is prominent in one of the Warrior Mage history books as having been developed out of the regular Fire book. That portion of the WM history also explains why the closest we have to a helpful Fire spell is MOF...

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Re: EMA on 07/05/2002 11:33 AM CDT
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yeah but the only guild able to produce blackfire as is, is the Moon mage guild and if you don't believe me try and trick one into rogue gating

getting turned into ash is never fun

ohh and what test did you make to prove domination was holy and elemental?
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Re: EMA on 07/05/2002 12:12 PM CDT
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<<yeah but the only guild able to produce blackfire as is, is the Moon mage guild and if you don't believe me try and trick one into rogue gating>>

Heh.. Moongating/rogue gates=Blackfire? I'm missing something here..
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Re: EMA on 07/05/2002 01:59 PM CDT
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One of the possible affects of a rogue moongate is tongue of black fire lashing out from it and burning the mage to a blackened shell.
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Re: EMA on 07/05/2002 02:02 PM CDT
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I think ya reading a lil too much into the fire being black.

Doesn't really mean it is 'blackfire' persay.
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Re: EMA on 07/05/2002 11:20 PM CDT
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<<It isn't a guess that Blackfire HAS to include Elemental>>

But what else does it include?... As I have no blackfire magic to toy around with and experiment with, as I said before.... Any guess I make on the subject, is just that, a guess.

I don't know how they plan to do blackfire... Elemental+life makes sense, since lunar and holy already have their proper combinations with evocation and domination, but then again, life+elemental is some kind of necromancy, I think... again, who knows? It's just a paradox until something comes out I can work with, all I'm gonna say is 'Sorry, i'm not sure right yet'

-Trazier.... who does agree that blackfire should be elemental+....

PS: I kind of based my original (wrong) sorcery theory on that, that sorcery must be elemental+something else.... since domination is it and holy, evocation it and lunar, and blackfire it and ?
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Re: EMA on 07/05/2002 11:22 PM CDT
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<<ohh and what test did you make to prove domination was holy and elemental?>>

The results of which were very grueling, and extremely dangerous.. Needless to say, I proved this whole thing to the zoluren gweth net about a week ago, i'd open my mouth and explain, but someone paid good money to have me explain it once... maybe ask him? ;P

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Re: EMA on 07/05/2002 11:26 PM CDT
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Also, to all the moonmage stuff... It looks something like this.

'With a ripple-like distortion, a Rogue moongate suddenly appears, tinged with blackfire.'

The mage is then stunned, and either a firebolt comes out and burns him (blackfire, no less) or voidspawn crawl out at melee and carve him up like a roast.

Heh, now we know rogue moongates connect to another dimension...

I personally think blackfire is a combination of fire and aether energies, but since this is all lumped into 'elemental energy' and i'm sure (and hoping) the GMs aren't going to split up the elemental books into different types of mana (like the lunar books), I guess they'll figure something out when the first blackfire spell becomes available. (Or before that, even)

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Re: EMA on 07/06/2002 02:03 AM CDT
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well just to let ya know "feral" magic isn't a sorcery theres only three sorceries and two necromancy

three possible combinations of sorcieries

two possible combinations of necromancy

Blackfire Sorcery
Domination Sorcery
Evocation Sorcery

Necromantic Corruption
Necromantic Perversion


theres your arcane book so if your saying Domination is elemental....

Domination-Elemental and Holy
Evocation-Elemental and Lunar
Blackfire- ? - it defaults to Lunar and Holy as it is the only remaining Sorcery combination which I sincerely doubt its Lunar and Holy, since I'm pretty much 99% sure it has to deal with Elemental magic
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Re: EMA on 07/06/2002 05:09 AM CDT
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<<so if your saying Domination is elemental....>>

No no, not saying... stating... statement of fact. I've had sufficient experimentation with domination sorcery to draw this, and someone paid hard coin for that.

<<it defaults to Lunar and Holy as it is the only remaining Sorcery combination which I sincerely doubt its Lunar and Holy, since I'm pretty much 99% sure it has to deal with Elemental magic>>

So now you too realize the paradox... What could it be? I'm sure they aren't planning on individualizing the elemental books to make it fire+aether...

Guess that leaves it up to them to decide... Since there isn't a blackfire spell out yet, it is impossible for me to accurately test and draw out a factual conclusion on this.

-Trazier 'You ever play around sufficiently with mana disruption?' Zier
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Re: EMA on 07/06/2002 10:28 AM CDT
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>No no, not saying... stating... statement of fact. I've had sufficient experimentation with domination sorcery to draw this, and someone paid hard coin for that.

You can say you proved it till you are blue in the face, but just saying so doesn't do jack for the readers on this board.

On another note, did some more EMA testing.

10 mana or 110 mana seems to do the same thing after you've gotten past the targets defenses and bound it. both last the same amount of time.

Someone casting with 300 PM and someone with 500 PM have the same results on any given target. Someone with 300 PM can easily bind someone with 300-400 evasion and much greater stats.

This spell needs ALOT of work. I'm sure it's lower in priority than player spells given it's just a creature spell, but there sure are alot of these popping up in the treasure system. Really believe it needs to be removed from the feeder in the meantime.

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Re: EMA on 07/06/2002 08:32 PM CDT
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>>You can say you proved it till you are blue in the face, but just saying so doesn't do jack for the readers on this board.

also testing the backfire rates of the spell is insufficient evidence which is obviously where he draws this from since if he hasn't figured it out yet the backfire affects are off so a moon mage and cleric might actually backfire more on a spell thats lunar and holy then a warmie or ranger would.

unless theres something written thats hardcore fact from the programmers or atleast some evident evidence you can show it does nothing to prove that Elemental and Holy are what cause Domination sorcery
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Re: EMA on 07/07/2002 01:15 AM CDT
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Here's a clue...

If you're a elemental mana user, go and play around with some holy mana spells.


If you're a holy mana user, go and play around with some elemental mana spells.

Compare those backfires.

Then go play with mana disruption until you botch that.

Yeah, there you go... Notice how in all three instances (Combining holy+elemental power and having a catastrophic failure) the EXACT SAME THING HAPPENS?

Notice how life+elemental or life+lunar and such backfires look so much different from this?

Well, i'll give you a hint... It's because domination sorcery is a combination of elemental and holy energy.

-Trazier "Shut'cho'moufs" Zier
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Re: EMA on 07/07/2002 05:29 AM CDT
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see thats good evidence and it wasn't so hard to say <g>

you coulda just said that in the first place :p
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Re: EMA on 07/07/2002 08:19 AM CDT
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But Pureblade invested 4 gold in that experiment, he funded the research, why won't you or anyone else?

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Re: EMA on 07/07/2002 10:56 AM CDT
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>>>Notice how life+elemental or life+lunar and such backfires look so much
different from this?<<<
>>>Well, i'll give you a hint... It's because domination sorcery is a
combination of elemental and holy energy.<<<

You're making a rather important oversight here in your logic. <g>

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Re: EMA on 07/07/2002 12:58 PM CDT
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<<You're making a rather important oversight here in your logic. <g>>>

One day I'll teach Rigby how to vaguely correct an oversight. It goes like this, "You're making some very strong assumptions . . ."


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Re: EMA on 07/07/2002 03:03 PM CDT
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Do you both forget so easily what Royce taught us all? Sheeeshhh....

"I can neither confirm nor deny this!"

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Re: EMA on 07/07/2002 04:16 PM CDT
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> You're making a rather important oversight here in your logic. <g>

My guess . . . Don't forget that your mana type is thrown into the mix. If I (bard) cast a lunar-holy spell, I'm using elemental mana in there, and I shouldn't assume that the backfire I see is the lunar-holy backfire. Are you a WM? Did you try having every type of mana user backfire the sorcery (an expensive proposition, I know)?

Also, keep in mind that when you backfire a sorcery, you backfire a spell that is supposed to accept two mana types. When a ranger backfires FS, he's backfiring a spell that isn't. Who's to say they should behave in the same way? Maybe, in a lunar-holy sorcery, the lunar mana is "expecting" the holy mana, and in the backfire it screws up because the holy isn't where it was expected. In a backfire of a lunar spell cast by a holy caster, the lunar mana could instead be screwing up due to holy mana were none was expected. These could have very different negative effects.

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