ES Changes on 07/22/2003 05:31 PM CDT
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<<The Ethereal Shield spell has been changed slightly. The protections it gives against various spells have been altered. You will notice a change in protection versus Elemental Spells based on the Static Charge your shield has. Also, the protection effect it has against non-Elemental based spells has been reduced a bit.>>

OK, has anyone noticed anything yet? I almost thought this post was a joke at first considering that ES is only good for SD and that's about it. So if get's downtweaked even more that it already was . . . . no biggie. I'm just curious as to what.

I know that even with ES up, I can still get burnt, frostbitten and such. So whatever overpowerness there was to it, not sure if we'll ever know. LOL!.

Woodcubb of Ilithi

You have crystal blue eyes. You are bald, with dark brown skin. You are clean shaven. You have a tattoo of a huge Taisidonian pearl nestled inside an opened oyster on your arm.
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Re: ES Changes on 07/23/2003 05:29 AM CDT
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I beleive that what Valdrik was speaking about is that ES has changed to not be so powerful in PvP. I just tested this and it seems that a ranger with 150 PM can now cast HoB on me where there was no chance somoene with 150 PM could do that 2 or 3 weeks ago before the change.

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Re: ES Changes on 07/23/2003 07:35 AM CDT
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It was the barrier interactions between other spells. Unfortunately it is a downtweak, because the formula was plain wrong. (half missing)

The protection values are now what they were intended to be all along (and mostly thought all along). It was just a bug fix.

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Re: ES Changes on 07/23/2003 10:51 AM CDT
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<<It was the barrier interactions between other spells. Unfortunately it is a downtweak, because the formula was plain wrong.>>

Garsh! First downtweak that we didn't all get POd about. LOL! I can get use to this.

Woodcubb of Ilithi

You have crystal blue eyes. You are bald, with dark brown skin. You are clean shaven. You have a tattoo of a huge Taisidonian pearl nestled inside an opened oyster on your arm.
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Re: ES Changes on 07/23/2003 12:48 PM CDT
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>>Garsh! First downtweak that we didn't all get POd about. LOL! I can get use to this

Cause we cant tell how much of a downtweak it was heh. As long as it still semi blocks all magic we didnt loose anything but a lil protection.

Maybe we could get neat lil spells like Fire Shield or Electric shield or earth shield that stregthen ES and give it some other property. Well fire shield would be mantle of flame but for the rest of the elements would be neat. Like Electricty would let brawlin do a lil gar zeng type unbalance zap when it connects, earth would make a lil more defense for physical stuff, air would kind of act like SW or possibly add impact dmg, fire same as usual, and aether would suck mana on a hit maybe? I dunno something like that would be a neat add on to ES.
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Re: ES Changes on 07/23/2003 04:05 PM CDT
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<<Garsh! First downtweak that we didn't all get POd about. LOL! I can get use to this.

If critter magic were live so that we were actually being negatively impacted by the change, there would probably be a lot more uproar.
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Re: ES Changes on 07/23/2003 06:12 PM CDT
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Thats what I wanna know. How did they decide it was overpowered now when nothing but players have magic. Unless there going off of PvP?
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Re: ES Changes on 07/23/2003 09:36 PM CDT
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>>Thats what I wanna know. How did they decide it was overpowered now when nothing but players have magic. Unless there going off of PvP?

If I understand correctly, it's not that it was overpowered. There was a bug in the code for the spell, such that the effective strength was being calculated in a way that didn't take into account all of the intended factors. Basically, part of the spell's code wasn't executing at all, and now it is. It was a bug fix, not a downtweak. There really is a difference.

--David (Jolebin Swordstaff, Elemancer of Riverhaven)
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Re: ES Changes on 07/23/2003 10:19 PM CDT
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The bug made it far more powerful than it should be. Because of the bug it was near enough impossible to MB or HB someone who had a ES on. It was a bug fix and a downtweak both.

Warning labels, keeping you alive despite your own stupidity since 1967.
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Re: ES Changes on 07/24/2003 05:23 AM CDT
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>Because of the bug it was near enough impossible to MB or HB someone who had a ES on.

Woe is me, i'll have to resort to psychic shield to block MB, and mantle of flame to burn off the spiders now...

...wait, nothing's changed.

Simutronics: We Know Drama
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Re: ES Changes on 07/24/2003 06:57 AM CDT
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Where do you get teh psychic shield?
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Re: ES Changes on 07/24/2003 04:38 PM CDT
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>Woe is me, i'll have to resort to psychic shield to block MB, and mantle of flame to burn off the spiders now...
...wait, nothing's changed.

Er if nothing changed why do you have to use PS and MOF now? You do realize that the protection visible there so astoundingly also was in other spell types including target spells. Most notably a very large damage reduction to TM spells. Either way have fun walking around begging moon mages for psychic shield.

Warning labels, keeping you alive despite your own stupidity since 1967.
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Re: ES Changes on 07/24/2003 05:22 PM CDT
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<<Where do you get teh psychic shield?>>

Don't know where he got it from, but they sell a psychic shield MD in Ratha, though the shops list has changed I think it's still sold there.

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Re: ES Changes on 07/26/2003 01:13 AM CDT
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A friend of mine awhile ago asked me to test how much mana it took for me to MB em

took me 25 mana without es and he blocked a capped (65 mana) MB, without so much as lowering its duration.

I mean how could that possibly overpowered?

for most spells you didn't notice it but on some spells it destroyed the power of the spell.

--The light is blinding and purges all in its path, leaving only shadows behind, but long after the light has dwindled the shadows will remain to rise and swallow the ruins in darkness
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