New warrior mage spells. on 06/24/2004 05:42 PM CDT
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I was just thinking. Seeing as how War mages are WAR mages and they specialize in combat and magic, I think they should be able to maybe cast spells from each book called maybe brands, which brand lets say a fire brand on the weapon causing it to do fire damage as well as regular damage. frost, aether and lighting. It would be very nice and make alot of since.

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Re: New warrior mage spells. on 06/24/2004 09:42 PM CDT
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I have no problems with people referring to us as 'war mages', except when they use it to try a point. It's 'Warrior Mage'. The guild is 'Warrior Mage'. Not 'War Mage'. </peeve>

Now, as for your suggestions regarding brands... Something like this is planned already. Weapon Enchanting will almost (99%) certainly have some sort of flaming/freezing/lightning-ing sword enchantment. And bonus! Warrior Mages are going to be responsible for weapon enchanting.

"It's amazing how much of a deterrent a big 9mm can be to a group of mimes, even evil ones."
-- Sir Anthony Marks, "One Enchanted Evening"
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Re: New warrior mage spells. on 07/07/2004 12:10 AM CDT
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>I have no problems with people referring to us as 'war mages', except when they use it to try a point. It's 'Warrior Mage'. The guild is 'Warrior Mage'. Not 'War Mage'.

Trazier yells, 'Any warmies with fam can help me sec plz?!?!!'
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