Suggestions/thoughts on 09/10/2004 05:07 AM CDT
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In the chapter entitled "Aether Manipulation," you have notes on the Ethereal Shield [es] spell.

In the chapter entitled "Electricity Manipulation," you have notes on the Arc Light [al] spell.

In the chapter entitled "Fire Manipulation," you have notes on the Fire Shard [fs], Fire Ball [fb], Dragon's Breath [db], and Mantle of Flame [mof] spells.

In the chapter entitled "Water Manipulation," you have notes on the Frostbite [frb] and Ice Patch [ip] spells.

In the chapter entitled "Earth Manipulation," you have notes on the Fist of Stone [fos] spell.

In the chapter entitled "Air Manipulation," you have notes on the Zephyr and Swirling Winds [sw] spells.

These are the spells I have and I am trying to go for more of the Warrior then Mage in the WM guild. I'm a big fan also of effecting several things at once with my spells. So what do you Warrrior Mage types recommand for my next few spells and why ?
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Re: Suggestions/thoughts on 09/10/2004 05:51 AM CDT
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>>These are the spells I have and I am trying to go for more of the Warrior then Mage in the WM guild. I'm a big fan also of effecting several things at once with my spells. So what do you Warrrior Mage types recommand for my next few spells and why ?

Spells I recommend, in no particular order:

Tingle: If your stats are up to it, this is a terrific spell, as it allows you to handle larger swarms of normally armed creatures, and increases things like being able to hit your target with both weapons and spells, as it will remove both parry and shield as defenses for your opponent. The downside is that certain creatures (notably rock trolls, IIRC) actually get more dangerous when disarmed.

Y'ntel Sechra (YS): Not an offensive spell, but it effectively increases your defenses by reducing armor hindrance and increasing armor protection factors. Lower hindrance improves your ability to evade, for one thing. Requires 20th circle, so you can hold your 18th circle spell slot for it, or get it at 21st or above.

FrS: Frost Scythe, like Fist of Stone, is both an attack spell and an emergency weapon creation spell. It makes edged weeapons, and already has the option for creating the weapon in your own empty hand. Again, it can help train TM, and also one or more Edged weapon types and/or Thrown weapon skills.

Stone Strike: This is a second tier TM spell, so it may be a good thing to have for when the first tier TM spells start to slow down on learning, and as an alternate for handling fire-resistance opponents.

SureFooting (SuF): A useful (used to be vital) combat assistance spell, it raises the recipient's base balance and also offers a bonus to climbing. Even though the effects of balance in combat are not as life-or-death as they used to be, it is still helpful to have yourself nimbly or better balanced from the get-go in combat.

I cannot recommend both Tingle and YS highly enough, BTW. And I am guessing that you are in the 15th-17th circle range, since that is what the number of spells you have corresponds to. If you have more normal PM and HA for your circle than I do, I would recommend TIngle first, since YS requires 100+ ranks in skill, in my experience, to be able to get enough mana in to get a good duration out of it.

And I am stuck, myself, on the horns of a dilemma, since I only have first tier TM spells, and can either get another TM spell at 18th circle for TM training purposes, or hold my slot until I hit 20th circle and get YS for combat-related purposes.

Caveat! Note that Tingle is a Sv spell, and therefore its effectiveness may be affected by the upcoming fix to spells.

Also note: Valdrik (the WM guru) will be starting a spell review of all Warrior Mage spells starting within the month. What the end result will be, we don't know yet. Those of us who know Valdrik hope that the review will fix some of the more glaring problems with the existing spells, and also repair some of the incidental reduction that has affected some of our other spells, like SureFooting and Arc Light.

~Kyn (Kynevon)

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Re: Suggestions/thoughts on 09/10/2004 08:55 AM CDT
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Actually I'm in the 20+ range. I'm fairly sure I have all the spells I can, will have to check later make sure I don't have empty slots.
How well does stone strike do as a damage dealer ? I would really like another TM spell that isn't fire based and I have to admit disappointment with the damage of FOS.

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Re: Suggestions/thoughts on 09/10/2004 03:58 PM CDT
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>>Actually I'm in the 20+ range. I'm fairly sure I have all the spells I can, will have to check later make sure I don't have empty slots.

At 17th circle, I have 9 spell slots, with the next spell slots becoming available at 18th & 21st circles. I took that guess because you only listed 9 spells, if I counted correctly.

>>How well does stone strike do as a damage dealer ? I would really like another TM spell that isn't fire based and I have to admit disappointment with the damage of FOS.

I don't have enough info on this one to answer, as I didn't play with it much during the preview.

~Kyn (Kynevon)

Kynevon's DR Links Page:
Mac OS X FE:
Amagaim's What to Hunt list:
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Re: Suggestions/thoughts on 09/11/2004 11:23 AM CDT
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This is late, but oh well. You might want to look into Aether Lance. It's our most accurate and mana effiecent first tier TM spell. It deals more damage than FOS because it's a slice/puncture TM spell. It's also the pre-req for the second tier aether TM spell Aether Lash. Choosing Aether Lash also sets you up for going down the path to getting Ethereal Fissure.

What I remember of Stone Strike from the preview is that it's a decently powerful TM spell but it took me 5 more mana points to kill an at level critter in one cast than it did to kill the same critter with Aether Lash.


All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. - Gandalf
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Re: Suggestions/thoughts on 09/11/2004 05:40 PM CDT
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I ask because I am disappointed with the damage done by FOS in relation to other first tier spells I used to have and the damage it does compared to 1 shard FS.

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Re: Suggestions/thoughts on 09/12/2004 02:41 AM CDT
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I recommend you pick up sure footing sometime. It's a great utility spell combined with swirling wind. Also suggest maybe you consider static discharge, that's a fun spell to zap melee opponents.

If you wear leather, aim for magnettic ballista maybe, like ice patch its one of those lovely versus agility spells, only after the first blast, you can reload it and it works off TM skill.

Also might want to consider rising mist. You have mantle of flame, so you can set up the REAL frostbite combo. You could also use it to quench the mantle of another mage, if you were battling them for some reason, and got unhappy they were countering your ice patch.

Oh, and definitely work on getting y'ntrel sechra, instead of ballista, if you wear plate over leather, it's an awesome spell and you could probably work yourself down to lightly hindered with some training and the right armor.

"The goblin's coming this way!" <-- Contraction:good.
"That goblin's eyepatch is fake!" <-- Possession:good.
"Some goblin's are running towards town!" <-- Pluralization: MAKES YOU STUPID
Know the apostrophe.
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