Peacock Feather Fan with Swirling Winds on 06/30/2008 10:58 AM CDT
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I was talking about this up in the Bugs Folder, but no one answered. Maybe you elemental types can 'splain.

I used one of the peacock feather fans to cast Swirling Winds. I was told by a credible source that the mana cap was 55 for that spell. I harnessed 50 (ok, it was Life Mana) and cast the spell. For all that mana, the duration was only 2 rois. Do I need to cast it repeatedly to increase the duration?

The lines in the pattern were glaring with brilliance when I cast the spell.

Master Craftsman Thryntyrlz BagMaker steps out from under Caelfind's road-worn traveler's cloak.

Tvini gets a Nilerbone brain from inside her canvas sack.
Tvini pokes her Nilerbone brain.
Nilerbone sneezes!
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Re: Peacock Feather Fan with Swirling Winds on 06/30/2008 03:20 PM CDT
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that's odd according to this the max duration is 18 roisaen
have you tried increasing the energy flow? (focus fan 1-100)

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If life doesn't need intelligence,
Then why should intelligence need life?
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Re: Peacock Feather Fan with Swirling Winds on 06/30/2008 03:57 PM CDT
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Yep, focused the fan 100 to increase the energy. Got glaring brilliance. Anything better than that? I have expert+ MD skill.

Master Craftsman Thryntyrlz BagMaker steps out from under Caelfind's road-worn traveler's cloak.

Tvini gets a Nilerbone brain from inside her canvas sack.
Tvini pokes her Nilerbone brain.
Nilerbone sneezes!
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Re: Peacock Feather Fan with Swirling Winds on 07/01/2008 10:47 AM CDT
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Hm... did it use your held mana? Those devices cast themselves, I think, rather than put the patterns into your head. Not sure if you can boost the power externally.

Killing you softly with his song,
- Stormsinger Shavay

Madness does not always howl. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "Hey, is there room in your head for one more?"
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Re: Peacock Feather Fan with Swirling Winds on 07/01/2008 03:48 PM CDT
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You get an elaborate peacock feather fan from inside your traveler's pack.
>harness 50
**You tap into the mana from fifty of the surrounding streams and attempt to keep it channeling in a stream around you.**
Roundtime: 3 seconds
You feel the Earth Meld spell dissipate completely.
>tap fan
You tap an elaborate peacock feather fan that you are holding.

*The mana you were holding contributes to the spell.*

You harness the currents of air and channel them around yourself. They mold to your body, allowing you to dodge and parry more easily.

You reach out with your senses and see luminous streams of Life energy coursing through the area.
You can sense that there is more mana to the northwest, a little less mana to the west, a little less mana to the southwest, much more mana to the south, more mana to the southeast, a little less mana to the east, more mana to the northeast, and more mana to the north.

**You sense the Swirling Winds spell upon you, which should last for about two roisaen.**

You sense the Claws of the Cougar spell upon you, which should last for about four roisaen.
You sense the Ease Burden spell upon you, which should last for about seven roisaen.
You sense the See the Wind spell upon you, which should last for about thirteen roisaen.

One wonders if contributes is the key word here.

Back to the test lab.

Master Craftsman Thryntyrlz BagMaker steps out from under Caelfind's road-worn traveler's cloak.

Tvini gets a Nilerbone brain from inside her canvas sack.
Tvini pokes her Nilerbone brain.
Nilerbone sneezes!
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Re: Peacock Feather Fan with Swirling Winds on 07/01/2008 07:59 PM CDT
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Possible thing to take a look at:

Join a WM, harness 50, and have them snap SW onto you.


"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin
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Re: Peacock Feather Fan with Swirling Winds on 07/03/2008 09:26 AM CDT
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I think I recall that there is a loss of mana as it is converted from one type to another, ie harnessing 50 life mana, only comes across as 25 elemental mana I believe the same goes for sharing harness with another. try harnessing 110 mana and casting on the fan.

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