Creels on 12/19/2004 12:07 PM CST
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Anybody selling creels? Sadly I lost mine, I have no idea where. Must have happened one of the last two times I died. I don't know how much they cost. It was a gift.

See a moping Daellid IG or IM itzdavey

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Minnows or Creels or Something broken... on 09/17/2007 11:35 PM CDT
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>look pole

It's a collapsible fishing pole with a roll of line at one end that you can cast out into the water.
You have some type 5 line.
You have a size 4 hook.
The pole isn't baited.
>look in box in creel

It's for catching fish. When you want to fish, just use a very small garishly-painted fake minnow. It looks like there's enough left for about 14 uses.

>get minnow from box in creel

What were you referring to?

>get box from creel

You manage to get a very small garishly-painted fake minnow onto the hook.
[Roundtime 2 sec.]

Sometimes things bait when I get the <bait type> now they are starting to bait the pole on get <box>... what gives?
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