Re: Fishing report on 12/29/2006 08:34 AM CST
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Alright, I have around 200 ranks of foraging as a ranger. I have yet to lock foraging and I spent a good deal of the time yesterday fishing. There were points I caught a fish every 20 seconds or so for about 3 minutes and I was at perplexing or perplexed. I'm in the middle of the wall cycle. I can lock animal lore pretty easy but then it's only 40 ranks. At least it's more entertaining than digging in the dirt.

Calissa's player
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Re: Fishing report on 12/29/2006 08:35 AM CST
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>>Thanks for the info. Looking forward to testing it out. My Paladin's heading to Ratha shortly -- do both the Skirr and the Kree'la have fishing equipment, or is it only just one?

Both have equipment.

>>My intent was to make fishing a good supplement or a good way to get the first 100 ranks ... it shouldn't be "the way" foraging is trained.

Augh, don't kill it Ssra. If you have to downtweak it a little I'd understand, but don't kill it by making it useless beyond 100+ ranks.

Foraging has always been mind-numbingly boring like juggling. It was a scripter's skill bar none. Now I'm having fun weighing fish, seeing if I got a record, buying poles, dreaming of Fishing titles. The chance element involved just makes it much more fun to train. I probably wouldn't even write a script for it. Fishing was an interesting system that was useless before. Don't kill it completely after you've let us taste sweet sweet release.

It is easy to be brave from a safe distance.
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Re: Fishing report on 12/29/2006 10:03 AM CST
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>I'm still monitoring the experience. At this point I'm thinking I went a bit overboard (no pun intended).

The problem isn't fishing giving too much EXP, the problem is regular foraging giving too little EXP.
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Re: Fishing report on 12/29/2006 01:49 PM CST
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"The problem isn't fishing giving too much EXP, the problem is regular foraging giving too little EXP."

Fishing could use a lil down tweak to foraging exp, but honestly even as it stands it won't replace foraging as "thee way" to teach, you have to be in a specific spot and carry a pole, bait, its not always convenient where as theres a whole lot of "outside" where one can just forage it up.

Couple other things, any chance we can see the skinning exp from gutting fish raised some? I can't get past learning at 40 ranks. And does anyone know what skill if any determines the value of the fish you catch?

"A sabre in the head is worth two in the bush"
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Re: Fishing report on 12/29/2006 01:50 PM CST
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Foraging: 236
Animal Lore: 63
Guild: moon mage

Fished for about 40 minutes, caught 9 fish: foraging went to concentrating with very little skill increase along the way (like .02 of a rank), AL to bewildering with good skill increase along the way (like .20 of a rank)

Foraging herbs definately locks foraging skill faster; in the same amount of time spent fishing, I can usually lock foraging if I do just that. Fishing did provide lots of enchantable fishbones, but no one really wants them it seems.

Conclusions: No, you did not go overboard on fishing. It is not the preferred way to gain forage skill, at least in my case. It is, however, the preferred way to get AL skill.

Now, if you could just let us forage worms or create lures.... Shard is a long walk to a bait shop.

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Re: Fishing report on 12/29/2006 01:53 PM CST
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<<The problem isn't fishing giving too much EXP, the problem is regular foraging giving too little EXP.>>


- Simon

"Do you have a World of Warcraft account?"
"No, I have a life!" (SP, episode 8, season 10)

"Heh" - Everyone
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Re: Fishing report on 12/29/2006 01:57 PM CST
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>>>>Couple other things, any chance we can see the skinning exp from gutting fish raised some? I can't get past learning at 40 ranks.

Don't just gut it. Scrape it and then gut it. I'm at 100 skinning (meh, pretty pathetic) and that works fine.

>>Fished for about 40 minutes, caught 9 fish:

9 fish in 40 minutes? I caught 9 fish in 1/4 of that time. You're just letting your lure sit in the water, aren't you?

Don't do that. To maximize exp gain you gotta continually re-cast your pole into the water. The greatest chance of snagging a fish, by far, seems to be within 1-5 seconds of casting.

It is easy to be brave from a safe distance.
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Re: Fishing report on 12/29/2006 02:15 PM CST
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Caught around 6 fish in 10-15 minutes. Never got past concentrating 236 ranks of foraging. I'll probably retest with more specifics numbers and times, but for me it doesn't seem like even a good supplement for foraging exp.


>You've gained a new rank in your ability to steal.
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Fishing NPCs on 12/29/2006 02:19 PM CST
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Does anyone have a list of the fishing NPCs and what they actually have?

I was looking for a fish buyer, stringer or creel on Aesry, so far I haven't had any luck.

I suppose there is a list of fish out there, somewhere, also? wouldn't it be nifty to have a fishing life list? (so what if animal crossing did it first?)

And seaweed should be edible, it's yummy, really.

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Re: Fishing report on 12/29/2006 04:16 PM CST
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Extremely low ranks plus fishing = extreme (animal) lore goodness now. I'm sure it can't last, but as a Bard I'm learning roughly 5 ranks of AL for every 1 rank of Foraging.

J'Lo, no that other one
The Manipulation List --
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Re: Fishing report on 12/29/2006 10:04 PM CST
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Ssra, did you reduce fishing experience tonight, or am I just getting REALLY bad fish? I know you were monitoring it, but it seems to me that Im getting about 1/3 the foraging and about 1/5 the AL experience I was earlier. Granted, this isn't extreme testing, just what I seem to be noticing different from a few hours ago. Oh well, fishing is still more fun than foraging in my book.

-Master Ndin
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Re: Fishing report on 12/29/2006 11:50 PM CST
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<<Ssra, did you reduce fishing experience tonight, or am I just getting REALLY bad fish?>>

Yeah, I reduced the fishing experience slightly less than 20%. Weight of fish now has a bit more impact on the experience. I then reduced the Animal Lore by another 30%.


"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." -Albert Einstein
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 04:53 AM CST
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<<Yeah, I reduced the fishing experience slightly less than 20%. Weight of fish now has a bit more impact on the experience. I then reduced the Animal Lore by another 30%. -Ssra>>

I was just thinking about actually using it to train too. Why would you take it away when training foraging the regular way is a joke in very bad taste?

At least fishing has some foraging application. Foraging is just getting to 300 foraging then you can find everything forever.

=( I'm sad you lowered the exp gain because now I can't actually use it for training. 20%-30% doesn't sound like a lot, but it's the difference between me being able to lock it after 15-20 minutes, and not being able to lock it at all now. =(
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 06:32 AM CST
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<<I'm sad you lowered the exp gain because now I can't actually use it for training. 20%-30% doesn't sound like a lot, but it's the difference between me being able to lock it after 15-20 minutes, and not being able to lock it at all now. =(>>

Locking a skill isn't necessarily the most efficient way to absorb it into ranks. You still get the same number of bits everyone else does and if you're survival primary you'll absorb those bits faster than others.

You don't have to lock a skill to keep it moving.


"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." -Albert Einstein
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 07:08 AM CST
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>>Locking a skill isn't necessarily the most efficient way to absorb it into ranks.

True, but it is the fastest. For me at a post wall rank I can get a .06% per pulse, which gives me 1.08% per hour which is a rank if I can keep it at mind lock, whereas; If I can only get to perplexing I'm getting .02% per pulses which is .36% per hour. That increases my training time 3X if I cannot keep it at mind lock.

I always though it was best to mind lock, unless I'm missing part of the bigger picture. If so, fill me in. Bow down to the power of Foamy!
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 07:41 AM CST
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>I was just thinking about actually using it to train too. Why would you take it away when training foraging the regular way is a joke in very bad taste?

Because people were somewhat happy with the learning rate. That is a clearly unacceptable situation for the foraging skill, and has been since the game's inception.
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 07:43 AM CST
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>Locking a skill isn't necessarily the most efficient way to absorb it into ranks. You still get the same number of bits everyone else does and if you're survival primary you'll absorb those bits faster than others.

>You don't have to lock a skill to keep it moving.

Yes, but you do have to lock if you want the skill to move as fast as possible. Also, if it is impossible to lock, what's the advantage of having the skill in your primary skillset?
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 07:56 AM CST
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<Also, if it is impossible to lock, what's the advantage of having the skill in your primary skillset?>

Your pool sizes are larger. While non-primary are locking and wasting experience, you don't lock and absorb the experience.

If neither can lock, then there is no advantage of having the skill primary.

Player of Cloudcrest
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 08:02 AM CST
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<<If neither can lock, then there is no advantage of having the skill primary.>>

No, you don't have to fill the pool to maintain an advantage. A primary skillset will drain more bits per pulse - thus better bit to rank ratio.


"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." -Albert Einstein
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 08:10 AM CST
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<<Because people were somewhat happy with the learning rate. That is a clearly unacceptable situation for the foraging skill, and has been since the game's inception.>>

Yeah, my sole mission in life is to be the biggest <beep> I can be. Fill in the blank with your favorite word and repeat it 10x.

If I wanted to be like that I'd just put the original code back in and you can go back to fishing for sport instead of for EXP. Wait, oh yeah, most of you probably never fished before this change. My bad.



"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." -Albert Einstein
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 08:17 AM CST
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>Yeah, my sole mission in life is to be the biggest <explictive> I can be. Fill in the blank with your favorite word and repeat it 10x.

>If I wanted to be like that I'd just put the original code back in and you can go back to fishing for sport instead of for EXP. Wait, oh yeah, most of you probably never fished before this change. My bad.

It's not you Ssra (I love that you comminicate with us and seem very active), and I didn't intend it to sound that way. It's the foraging skill. For whatever reason, it is just supposed to be very difficult to train. I was really venting about the skill itself.
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 08:29 AM CST
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It's cool. No worries. Just been getting killed here on the boards lately. :) I vented a bit myself.

It's important that the EXP not be too much because in what amounts to less than 5 lines of code I can completely undermine the entire foraging system. We'll review the EXP there too if necessary but right now I just wanted to give people more ways to learn survivals outside of combat (still reviewing skinning/mechanical lore from cleaning fish). As an example, the new stealing system will depend in part on hiding and stalking so we're taking steps here and there to sever what seems to be a tie between combat and survival skills.



"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." -Albert Einstein
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 08:42 AM CST
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<<....entire foraging system. We'll review the EXP there too if necessary....

Please, please, please, please...I'll be your bestest buddy. I'll even tell someone to buy you a drink in Vegas! The deal with foraging isn't that I can't train it, I can lock it in about 8 minutes, but that it's a stationary skill that completely impairs your ability to learn most other skills at the same time.

Calissa's player
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 10:02 AM CST
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>>Please, please, please, please...I'll be your bestest buddy.
>>I can lock it in about 8 minutes, but that it's a stationary skill that completely impairs your ability to learn most other skills at the same time.

Be careful what you wish for. When Empaths were fauning about how much bloodworms taught empathy it was downtweaked, and were told that because it taught FA and mech so well it was overpowered. When complained about how poorly manipulate taught empathy, Towint explained that it taught as intended when you take all the other skills into account that are learned while your manipulating... parry, armor, evasion, shield, mo.. he even went as far as to include lockpicking, disarm, skinning and mechlore... since they were potential byproducts of the manipulation. Considering that foraging is decently trainable in its current state, and that it trains both foraging and perception directly and has the potential for training mechlore and gaining coin, Id doubt that the GMs would leave the current training levels of foraging and open it up to training other skills at the same time... I hope Im WAY wrong though <g>.

Got Body Parts?
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 10:06 AM CST
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Ssra.. I know you downgraded the experience late last night/early this morning. Is there any way you can kick up the AL learning just a little bit again? I understand it was way too high yesterday, but after 15+ fish, my AL is barely moving. I understand secondary skills arent supposed to be easier to lock, but at 85 ranks lower, I would think the secondary skill should be moving a little faster. My foraging is 121 (tert) and my AL is 36 (secondary).

Animal Lore: 36 79% thoughtful

I've managed to hit pondering once since the change. I wouldnt ask, because I know AL has few uses for non-rangers, but it sounds as if AL will have plenty of uses in the future and there are so few ways to train it currently.

-Master Ndin
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 10:39 AM CST
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>>...we're taking steps here and there to sever what seems to be a tie between combat and survival skills.

Good deal, I'm very happy to hear that.

Also, could you reconsider bumping the Animal Lore experience back up a bit? With both at 11 ranks my Paladin was getting Foraging up to bewildering and Animal Lore only to concentrating. Just cleared my exp. pools to check again and after landing an eel Foraging is at very muddled and Animal Lore is at thoughtful. Since the only other ways for non-Rangers to learn AL is either through horses or bloodworms, but of which require one to be a bit advanced in order to utilize, this is a great way for the very young to learn the skill.

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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 10:41 AM CST
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<<I've managed to hit pondering once since the change.>>

Are you sure you're not just coming off a wall rank? EXP drains fast when coming out of a wall.

The EXP is still pretty sizable. What was your foraging pool at when doing this?

Also, knowing what guild you're in will help as well.



"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." -Albert Einstein
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Re: Fishing at sea <Late reply> on 12/30/2006 11:06 AM CST
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Cheat like I do. Use Spiderwire. 20 lb test, 2-4 lb diameter. Never gets old and kinky like mono. Drawbacks are it tangles like crazy, impossible to cut unless you use a real sharp knife. My kid caught a 2 foot barracuda on my ultralite with it in florida last year.


PS for the game, we need spidersilk fishing line

A dust bunny furtively tugs a label from Niteshiver's clothing that reads, "Closet Conservative".
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 11:11 AM CST
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Guild is Warrior Mage, and I dont keep 100% track of my wall ranks on all skills, especially on a skill in the 30's, that until recently I have only trained through being taught (except for the first 8-10 ranks in crocs). Its at 98% now, so Ill see how it changes with the next rank (or couple ranks). I know my foraging is always wall or pre-wall, but Ill keep track of that as well.

After all those fish, I can manage to get fishing locked or at least near-locked, but AL was moving extremely slow. Like I said, Ill keep track of it over the next few ranks, and let you know a little better. Ill try to fish quite a bit today to get some decent results.

-Master Ndin
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 11:29 AM CST
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<<After all those fish, I can manage to get fishing locked or at least near-locked, but AL was moving extremely slow. Like I said, Ill keep track of it over the next few ranks, and let you know a little better. Ill try to fish quite a bit today to get some decent results.>>

Thank you.


"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." -Albert Einstein
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 12:44 PM CST
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Foraging: 200 77% concentrating
Animal Lore: 25 40% pondering

After 20 minutes of fishing the same way that had both of those skills locked the other day.

I understand mentals are a big part of that, and I have great mentals, but it was locking before and is not now. This is as my moonie, I'll try with my Ranger later.
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 01:24 PM CST
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<<Yeah, my sole mission in life is to be the biggest <beep> I can be.>>

Yeah, my sole mission in life is to be the biggest <cow> I can be.


Yeah, my sole mission in life is to be the biggest <robot> I can be.


Yeah, my sole mission in life is to be the biggest <lemon> I can be.

Oh man, you suck. :]

- Simon

"Do you have a World of Warcraft account?"
"No, I have a life!" (SP, episode 8, season 10)

"Heh" - Everyone
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 02:30 PM CST
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[15:15] You've pulled in a largetooth carp.
[15:15] Foraging: 121 88.71% thoughtful
[15:15] Animal Lore: 36 99% learning

[15:19] You've pulled in a spiny-backed gar.
[15:19] Foraging: 121 88.84% concentrating
[15:19] Animal Lore: 37 00.21% thoughtful

[15:21] You've pulled in a flathead pardfish.
[15:21] Foraging: 121 89.12% muddled
[15:21] Animal Lore: 37 00.21% pondering

[15:22] You've pulled in a largetooth carp.
[15:22] Foraging: 121 89.12% perplexing
[15:22] Animal Lore: 37 02.01% concentrating

[15:22] You've pulled in a largetooth carp.
[15:22] Foraging: 121 89.12% perplexed
[15:22] Animal Lore: 37 02.01% concentrating

[15:25] You've pulled in a spiny-backed gar.
[15:25] Foraging: 121 89.69% bewildering
[15:25] Animal Lore: 37 04.60% concentrating

[15:30] You've pulled in a freshwater eel.
[15:30] Foraging: 121 90.92% bewildering (I think I missed a pulse before this one)
[15:30] Animal Lore: 37 07.38% concentrating

No fish caught here, but skills pulsed.
[15:33] Foraging: 121 91.59% perplexed
[15:33] Animal Lore: 37 10.25% concentrating

[15:34] You've pulled in a spiny-backed gar.
[15:34] Foraging: 121 91.59% dazed
[15:34] Animal Lore: 37 12.63% concentrating

I was trying my best to get the fish to bite as often as possible, and this is what I was able to get. So it took about 20 minutes to (almost) lock foraging. I got AL to concentrating thanks to 4 fish in the span of 3 minutes, 15:19-15:22. Getting 2.5-3% pulses on AL, Im assuming that would be a post-wall, or one rank after. That would seem to explain why it is hard to get past concentrating, but Ill have to wait for the next 3-4 ranks to see exactly where the wall-rank falls at. When I find the wall-rank, Ill do another test like this to see how different it is. Once again, guild is Warrior Mage. Survival tert, Lore secondary. I hope this can at least give you something to go off of Ssra. Nothing mental stats were changed since yesterday. Everything is the same except for AL rank.

Discipline : 30
Wisdom : 30
Intelligence : 30

(Nobody make a comment on my mentals, since I know a lot of you want to.)

-Master Ndin
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 02:50 PM CST
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How are you trying to get the fish to bite? Are you casting, waiting 5 seconds, and then re-casting if you don't catch anything?


"Gown Removed Carelessly. Head, less so." - Joss Whedon
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 02:55 PM CST
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I give it somewhere between 5 to 20 seconds, wave the pole every couple of casts, stuff like that. Seemed to get a lot better biting rate than if I just cast the pole and wait for a bite.

-Master Ndin
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 03:57 PM CST
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try cast, push the line out a bit, wiggle... wait... yank... wait.. pull the line in.. wait.. wiggle.. wait... then just keep pulling and wiggling, throw in the occassional yank.

Keep the bait "active" but not in a frenzy.. and ya should do well.

"People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true." ~Wizard Zorander
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Re: Fishing report on 12/30/2006 08:22 PM CST
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>>try cast, push the line out a bit, wiggle... wait... yank... wait.. pull the line in.. wait.. wiggle.. wait... then just keep pulling and wiggling, throw in the occassional yank.

I did a little more testing with the fishing since I last posted.

I haven't fished since yesterday, will have to try and see how the new exp gain is. If all Ssra changed was the exp code, however, and not the fishing code, waiting and wiggling, then pushing out and waiting more and wiggling etc etc... doesn't seem to be the best way to train at all.

If you see something like this:

You feel your line give an involuntary shudder (I forgot the exact message, the one indicating something has happened but not that you caught a fish), this is when you pull out, wave, and yank the pole. This message seems to indicate you have a fish near your pole.

In my experience, in a sense of experience per capita, re-casting often seems to be the greatest way to catch fish. By often I don't mean doing nothing but casting, waiting five seconds, pulling in and repeating endlessly... waving/pulling/yanking definitely does have an effect. However, I wouldn't bother waiting more then 15-20 seconds, 30 at the very maximum, before re-casting. Cast, wait for any confirmation message, wave it, push it out a little, wait 5 seconds, push out and wave again, wait five seconds, pull in, yank, wait... and then reel it in and repeat. Active, like someone said, but the maximized chance of catching definitely seems to be on the initial cast. 75% of my catches were immediately after casting.

If you don't get a bite for a few minutes at a time, no worries, you're not doing anything wrong. It happens every now and again. I must have fished for a total of about five hours trying various techniques, including just waiting (definitely the worst), varying waiting periods, varying luring techniques (simply waving, simply yanking, simply pulling and pushing, different combinations). The only factors that seemed to really stand out to me were A) re-casting often (every 15 seconds or so, I wouldn't recommend more then 30) and B) keeping your lure active when it is within the water.

Anyone else wanting to post results would be great. Though the exp cut does suck, I can understand it I guess.

It is easy to be brave from a safe distance.
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Re: Fishing report on 12/31/2006 09:41 AM CST
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I cast, wait 15 seconds, and recast if I haven't caught a fish. 10 casts or so with no fish, I switch fishing spots.

Gladiator Maulem~

Read the Barbarian Seven!
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Re: Fishing report on 12/31/2006 01:42 PM CST
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I think it was stated in the past that some fish can be caught more easily by recasting and some by just letting the pole sit, but don't quote me.

Gnomes Rule!
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Re: Fishing report on 12/31/2006 03:19 PM CST
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>>I think it was stated in the past that some fish can be caught more easily by recasting and some by just letting the pole sit, but don't quote me.

That actually would make a lot of sense. I was thinking that the variance seemed a lot less intricate then is noral for DR.

As I recall, most of my testing was done with re-casting often, and I did catch the same fish (musks, creps, turtles) over and over again.

Perhaps the more elusive fish (those required to wait) grant considerably more experience. For the purposes of training, however, IMHO it's pretty clear that re-casting often is the most time-efficient way to train. Any possible additional EXP granted by the more elusive fish is easily trumped by the fact that I can catch a half dozen common fish in required timespan.

It is easy to be brave from a safe distance.
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