Breaking your pole on 03/31/2009 08:52 PM CDT
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I have been fishing for quite awhile now (several months). And I haven't had any lines break in a really long time. I have been using line size 3 and also size 8 hooks. Recently I switched these out for line size 7, hook size 40. Not for any particular reason it was just random. pole started breaking. Not just once but on several occasions. ...It's almost like the larger hook and/or line perhaps allows you to get larger fish? Atleast the kind that break your pole. I didn't test out their weights or anything. Also, using this line size and hook size it seemed to take longer to lock foraging. (larger fish, less bites?)

I guess it calls for a test of some sort when I get the time.

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Re: Breaking your pole on 03/31/2009 10:38 PM CDT
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Did you change anything about your timing, with regards to pulling in fish?

I've found that the only time I actually have had a pole break on me is when I didn't stop my script and I left the room with the line out, or when I was fishing manually and let a fish break/steal the pole from me while I was AFK.

Its interesting about the line/hook change though...

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