Recall Almanac/spellbook/textbook on 02/16/2021 11:06 PM CST
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Hey all, I dont know who all else might like this idea, but can we get a Recall Almanac? Like for not knowing when the 10 minute timer is done? or maybe get a message like we do with B&E saying the heat has died down? or something to that effect?

>>>get alm
You come out of hiding.
You get an elegant diamond-hide almanac bearing a platinum Estate Holder's crest from inside your scrip.
>study alm
You've gleaned all the insight you can from the diamond-hide almanac, for now.
>examine alm
Covered with tiny printed words, thin onionskin pages fill the book with knowledge that spans all manners of subjects.
>recall almanac
You search your mind but nothing seems notable about the an elegant diamond-hide almanac bearing a platinum Estate Holder's crest.
>almanac recall
Please rephrase that command.

figured since we already have a burgle recall, can we maybe get one for like spellbooks and almanacs? Just a suggestion and ask and maybe textbooks for FA and Scholarship learning? Thanks for reading this!

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Re: Recall Almanac/spellbook/textbook on 02/17/2021 08:42 AM CST
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Aren't these tied to both the item AND character? In other words, both you and the almanac get a 10 minute timer so you can't buy one then share among your alts AND you also can't own multiple almanacs for one character to use one after another.

Would be helpful if the study showed how much time left was on the almanac itself, and a B&E-like reminder for the character's internal timer.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Recall Almanac/spellbook/textbook on 02/18/2021 08:15 PM CST
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> Would be helpful if the study showed how much time left was on the almanac itself, and a B&E-like reminder for the character's internal timer.

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