1750 ranks and the 30% group buff? on 03/13/2021 12:05 AM CST
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I asked on Discord about EXP MODS and the 30% group buff, and Lyneya wasn't absolutely certain, so I'm asking here.

Normally, if you cast a 20% buff with 1750 ranks, you come out with 2100 effective ranks. If you get someone else to cast a buff on the same skill, you get the 30% group buff EXP MODS shows you getting 30% for 2275 effective ranks.

However, long ago it was previously discussed that the actual hard cap the system could handle on an effective rank bonus was just over 2100. The number I saw tossed out in this thread is 2147 effective ranks: http://forums.play.net/forums/DragonRealms/Abilities,%20Skills%20and%20Magic/The%20Experience%20System/view/2683

This, it was said, was a very hard limit to break because it would require a lot of work to be able to do it. There's some conflicting information about it being related to the integer rollover issue with 2,147,483,647 being the maximum value the game could handle.

Did this change at some point before the 30% group buffs went in to allow 2275 effective ranks, is that number just under the actual cap, or is EXP MODS lying to us on how much we're getting on a 30% buffed capped skill?

- Saragos
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Re: 1750 ranks and the 30% group buff? on 03/13/2021 12:29 AM CST
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The short answer is that your buffed skills aren't subject to the integer rollover issue like your base skills are. EXP MODS is correct.

GM Grejuva
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