Empath abilities on 12/24/2002 12:20 PM CST
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Sorry about this, but I have to be a bother. But what kind of ability does an Empath Have that is really productive or makes money??

You will say they can heal a person in minutes, but for what? a small rock Crystal? Maybe a topaz? Oooo. Sorry, but that gets my goat, Offering an item that sells for 3 bronze to 1 siver as a tip. Where if they went to the hospital, they would be charged many gold for a partial heal, (*Not even a Complete one*)

Now another might say Shift. This is new and I really haven't heard many people ask for a shift. So, apparently, its not widely known.

You have Moonmages who can make Gweths, Thieves who make Lockpicks. guilds can make Armor and weapons if they know enough in the skill. Traders who can set up tables at 20th circle, Auction items at higher circles.

You might say, what about clerics and bards? Well, they can go kill things, make money like any other guild, except empaths, to finance their lusts.

(*Sorry about that, back to my question*). What really can an Empath do to make any real form of money? Yes I know, We have no real needs, so the gods leave us out of the loop.

If anything, Could you lower Shift Circle requirements to say circle 20. This way, We could be equal to the Rich money grubbing traders, or any other guild.

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Re: Empath abilities on 12/24/2002 02:14 PM CST
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>>>> Now another might say Shift. This is new and I really haven't heard many people ask for a shift. So, apparently, its not widely known.<<<<

i think it is widely known as well as the pricing that goes along with it,which is why you prolly dont hear many asking for it...i know id like to get my hair color shifted but at the current rate,it will be some time before i can raise that kinda coin...most likely others feel about the same way,that we know about shifting but cant justify spending so much coin on it or dont have said coin

Master Tanner in Training
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Re: Empath abilities on 12/24/2002 02:29 PM CST
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>>>We could be equal to the Rich money grubbing traders, or any other guild.

Note: Please don't make this into a guild vs. guild argument.

With that said, no guild is equal to any other - if any two guilds were equal, they would be in-fact the same guild; what would be the point then?

Making money is a Traders' specialty, Healing is an Empaths' specialty.

Choose the guild you'd rather be in.

-Spectacular Veii
The Traders Guild will always welcome new targ.. err.. recruits!
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Re: Empath abilities on 12/24/2002 06:13 PM CST
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I'm not trying to start a guild war.

I was using the other guilds as examples. Empaths have been around a long time. Healing is the only thing Empaths can do, now they have Shift. but I believe the shift skill is rather high in circle for an empath.

I would also like to see other abilities that an Empath could do to make some form of money. its not like I'm asking the Traders to get rid of their tables.

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Re: Empath abilities on 12/24/2002 06:51 PM CST
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>You will say they can heal a person in minutes, but for what? a small rock Crystal? Maybe a topaz? Oooo. Sorry, but that gets my goat, Offering an item that sells for 3 bronze to 1 siver as a tip. Where if they went to the hospital, they would be charged many gold for a partial heal, (*Not even a Complete one*)

The only advice I can offer here is to pick your location and prospects better. I've not seen such a lowly tip down south here in Ilithi. I specifically set aside gems worth over a gold to pay for healing when I need it. The last Empath who healed me received over 2 gold worth of gems (in dokoras mind you) and only got that little because they declined to accept another gem. I had all of maybe three wounds, the worst of which was a light internal.

As far as the profitability of making gwethdesuans, I'll keep this brief purely out of respect for this thread being about YOUR concern. As a 52nd circle Moon Mage, making money by Enchanting is a distant dream at best for me.

~ Celestian Kougen Aensworth
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Re: Empath abilities on 12/25/2002 06:22 PM CST
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I don't know if the shop is still open, but if you want to change your hair color, there is a shop on the north side of leth that used to change and trim hair, for a price.
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Re: Empath abilities on 12/25/2002 06:43 PM CST
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<<I don't know if the shop is still open, but if you want to change your hair color, there is a shop on the north side of leth that used to change and trim hair, for a price.>>

The Leth shop has been closed since the shift ability for empaths came out. Though it may reopen (and be changed a bit) it's been stated the GMs aren't sure if it will ever open again, either...


"Did you see them?? Which way did they go?? I must find them. I am their leader..."
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Re: Empath abilities on 01/01/2003 09:26 AM CST
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>> You will say they can heal a person in minutes, but for what? a small rock Crystal? Maybe a topaz? Oooo. Sorry, but that gets my goat, Offering an item that sells for 3 bronze to 1 siver as a tip.

While I agree that a tip like that may be pitiful, not everyone is so poor or stingy. It all depends on where you ply your trade. I throw gems/money at the empath who helped me until I run out or they tell me to stop, that way I know they're happy (and if they're not, I did the best I could). There are many many people who are just as generous.

>>Where if they went to the hospital, they would be charged many gold for a partial heal, (*Not even a Complete one*)

You have some minor abrasions to the head, minor swelling and bruising around the neck, some minor abrasions to the right arm, minor swelling and bruising around the left arm compounded by cuts and bruises about the left arm, a few nearly invisible scars along the left arm, some minor abrasions to the right leg, some minor abrasions to the left leg, some minor abrasions to the right hand, some tiny scratches to the left hand, a few nearly invisible scars along the left hand, minor swelling and bruising in the chest area compounded by cuts and bruises about the chest area, some tiny scratches to the abdomen, some tiny scratches to the back.

Leth, full healing (but for the one pre-existing scar). Total cost: 401 kronars.

>>You have Moonmages who can make Gweths, Thieves who make Lockpicks. guilds can make Armor and weapons if they know enough in the skill. Traders who can set up tables at 20th circle, Auction items at higher circles.

>>If anything, Could you lower Shift Circle requirements to say circle 20. This way, We could be equal to the Rich money grubbing traders, or any other guild.

Getting to the point where these skills are profitable takes a great deal of hard work and, unless someone has forgone training to focus intensely on them, 20th circle isn't even close. Except for Traders, who were (oooh) given a more convenient place to sell stuff.

Never fear, more stuff will be developed for empaths. One of these days we may even actually see undead healing :P

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Re: Empath abilities on 02/24/2003 11:13 AM CST
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I think the biggest problems for empath to make money, is other empath. Some empath completely refused to accept gold and gems. Many because they're always with friends and other because their brothers provides for them. The problems with this is that it give the ideas that all empath dont need money, so people start to tip less. On the other hands, if you wanna make money as an empath you have to go where lot's of gems are available in hunting area. Riverhaven for example is very good for tipping, so is Theren, simply because gems in those area a readily available. Crossing is bad for tipping because there are too many young character without coins. Queride
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Re: Empath abilities on 02/28/2003 05:06 PM CST
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<If anything, Could you lower Shift Circle requirements to say circle 20. This way, We could be equal to the Rich money grubbing traders, or any other guild.>

Shifting is a 30th circle ability, I believe, although I know you need to be much higher in order to do certain shifts. Enchanting is designed as a 50th circle ability. To be successful at making gweths, you have to have even more skill than you need to enchant in general.

On another note, I'm probably one of the people that cheeses you off with small tips. Even though I'm past 30th circle and use 30th circle titles, I switched armor a little while ago and still hunt wood trolls (rock trolls on a good day).

Just because someone looks like they have money (whether it's because they have a high title or nicer items) doesn't mean they do. I always treat the empaths that heal me with utmost respect, and offer them 1-3 gems based on the severity of my wounds. I also offer spells, predictions, and herbs.
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Re: Empath abilities on 03/01/2003 06:31 PM CST
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When I made circle 20 I was anything but rich- basic store bought items and gifts from others.
Barbarians aren't making the high price high demand items at circle twenty, yet, either, I don't think. I've not seen any but the high level moonies selling their products for high price.
I think it'd be nice for my warmie to have a tradable skill but I'm not too worried about coinage. I think the price of shift is ungodly but I'm not a fluff monger, either, so I don't buy exorbinant things for frill.
Ratha, Shard and Therengia seem to have a very nice tip level compared to Crossings so the youngins can always think about relocating to a new and less political locale. My Puff did. The level of the type is usually as rich as the prey that cause the wound.
Given how bloody hard it is to get transferral to advance, it's as much a symbiosis as a marketable trade for the empath guild. Same thing for the traders... not the most exciting job, I'd imagine. Have to sell to make coin. Rather be broke and have fun myself.
Shift- illegal as it was to my recollection for IG purposes- is a perk of those who stick with their training. Just like the spells, familiars, companions, abilities and whatever our marvelous bakers get to cook. The ability seems pretty balanced, but then, I've had my head crushed a few times by gargs lately so I might be a tad off.
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Re: Empath abilities on 03/02/2003 03:04 AM CST
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<<Given how bloody hard it is to get transferral to advance, it's as much a symbiosis as a marketable trade for the empath guild. >>

By the time an empath is able to get shift, they are far past the point where they need to heal for transference. A little trip to the swamps, and they can learn more in 5 minutes then they can if they heal constantly for an hour. Shift while it does give a small amount of tranference, it isn't really large enough for them to go to the trouble of performing an illegal act. Rather like you standing in front of the bank with 20 gold in your pocket. Ya may learn a bit of perception, but is it worth it?

Mole and Co.

+++ Divide by Cucumber Error. Please reinstall Universe and reboot. +++
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Re: Empath abilities on 03/02/2003 07:43 AM CST
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Um... just to make it clear in case I my post was miss-skimmed- I'm against shifting being dropped in circle requirements. It's a marketable trade to bring in a huge amount of coin- or so the Empath Coalition intends. Circle thirty is a fine number. I'm happy when my baby puff gets pondering in his transferral. Maybe one day he'll bull his raisin-dwarfish way into the swamps but not for some time yet.
Heh- what's next, church tithings?
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Re: Empath abilities on 03/02/2003 09:27 AM CST
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>I'm happy when my baby puff gets pondering in his transferral.

You're doing something wrong. Either that...or I've got a different definition of 'baby'.


My rarely-played Empath(currently 6th circle) has no trouble locking Transference...and keeping it locked. Same with PM and Harness.(All three currently mid-50s)

Back on-topic...circle 30's fine.

I don't agree with Coalition prices...so I found a group with cheap(er) prices. ::shrugs::

-Chris, player of Mad Mage Kilan

Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is...
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Re: Empath abilities on 03/09/2003 08:30 PM CST
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Some empaths dont like to take tips because it diminishes what healing is to them...

Some of those same empaths DO want money... I just don't want money for healing.

I want money for shifting, for making healing remedies, bandages, and, most of all, Hunting Undead!

Just, as far as tips for healing goes, I think its a bit tacky.... Doctors don't take tips...although they are paid well for their services. That might be a good thing...if there was a way that the empaths could bump the NPCs from duty...and stand in their place, automatically extracting PAYMENT for healing... then those empaths who want payment for healing could get it.

Well, anyhow, I still like to heal for free....not as a doctor thing..just as a mercy thing.

To each their own, though. ;)


_____________________________________________ "Can you even dye my eyes to match my gown?" ~Dorothy

For more information on empaths who shift, go to:
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Re: Empath abilities on 03/13/2003 12:15 PM CST
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No doubt this was most likely already suggested, but I would like see empaths having the option of being "combat offense" if one wants.

Spells that would allow this could be giving diseases to critters. So it's the actually disease that kills, not the empath.

Also a spell that:

- zapps vitality

- Create spores that makes critter cough (causing them RT)

- a target spell (yes I said it and I'm a mage too) that allows the empath to cast sphere of life energy or something to that effect.

Anyways, I know empaths are more of a passive guild an not to make it sound like turning it into a cookie cutter guild, just give them a little something to be able to survive a combat situation and maybe make a bit of loot.

Woodcubb of Illithi
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Re: Empath abilities on 03/15/2003 08:36 AM CST
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I agree that being combat offensive would be good for empaths, but with the current view on empaths in DR by most GMs and several players, harming a living thing is totally against an empaths morals and abilities. I've read a book where there was a combat empath, and I rather enjoyed it. Maybe GM's will change empath stance somehow and open up many more options.

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Re: Empath abilities on 03/18/2003 06:41 AM CST
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Transfer wounds?
Only works when the empath is hunting with a partner. They transfer the wounds of the hunting partner to the critter. The lesser of two evils in a sense, as their concern for fellow elanthians outweighs their vow not to harm creatures. Can't transfer their own wounds, as that would be malicious wounding. If the critter is intelligent, he realizes that the more wounds it causes, the more it hurts itself. Smart enough, and it'll stop attacking and move off.

Life is just one damned thing after another.
- Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915)
It's not true that life is one damn thing after another; it is one damn thing over and over.
-Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892 - 1950)
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Re: Empath abilities on 03/20/2003 08:03 AM CST
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Just wanted to add in here that the first poster said I hardly ever hear anyone asking for a shift. There is a reason for that. Shifting is an illegal activity, and is therefore not talked about publically. If you get the word out that you are capable of that ability then you will probally get people coming to you for your service. Second of all, its like Veii said. Veii, became a trader because his guild leader told him it was the way to money and what he procieves as true power, that being an economic powerhouse. I joined the barbarian guild because i wanted to charge into battle and see blood flowing out of my enemies. I can only assume that you joined the empath guild because you wished to aid your fellow adventures and work honest to god miracles in closing up gaping wounds in our bodies. I have had one of my people join the empath guild before and for the life of me I can't remember the guild leader saying anything about, and you will have the ability to make as much money as a trader.

~Ternith Sjomah

Do not be afraid of death. Be afraid of having failed to live.
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Re: Empath abilities on 03/20/2003 09:50 PM CST
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<< I can only assume that you joined the empath guild because you wished to aid your fellow adventures and work honest to god miracles in closing up gaping wounds in our bodies.>>

Bah! They joined to make m' life miserable and that's the only reason.

Well, maybe that and the nifty titles we get.

Or that Annael...she's a liar...sold us a fat load of goods. It's nothing like promised.

But honestly, they're out to get me, I tell you.

~Amorisse, who believes all other empaths, besides herself, are just plain mean and actually like the sight of blood.

_____________________________________________ "Can you even dye my eyes to match my gown?" ~Dorothy

For more information on empaths who shift, go to:
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Re: Empath abilities on 03/31/2003 10:20 AM CST
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<<A little trip to the swamps, and they can learn more in 5 minutes then they can if they heal constantly for an hour.>>

You mean there are Empaths that can actually learn trans in the swamp? ::awe:: Oh, and if I heal constantly for an hour (hell, for 10 minutes even) I have no problem locking transference. The thing that limits trans learning when healing patients is the scarcity of wounds and/or the plethora of Empaths.

<<I have had one of my people join the empath guild before and for the life of me I can't remember the guild leader saying anything about, and you will have the ability to make as much money as a trader.>>

It doesn't mean Empaths should automatically be paupers or that they should be expected or encouraged to heal for free. A rich Empath is not a bad Empath. And an Empath trying to make a minimal living at healing characters shouldn't have to hear some gibberish about how he/she knew what they were getting into when they joined the guild.

As far as moving shift down to 20th circle, I don't think that would help at all. From discussions with other Empaths it was my impression that the Empaths making coin hand over fist were those that could do most of the options and those with limited options were getting few, if any, requests.


For information on the shift ability and to find Empaths capable of shift go here: http://www.coalition.fairmount.nu
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Re: Empath abilities on 03/31/2003 10:40 AM CST
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>You mean there are Empaths that can actually learn trans in the swamp? ::awe:: Oh, and if I heal constantly for an hour (hell, for 10 minutes even) I have no problem locking transference. The thing that limits trans learning when healing patients is the scarcity of wounds and/or the plethora of Empaths.

The thing that limits trans learning when healing patients for me is the fact that if I don't stop to heal myself, I'll die. Even with an optimal mana room and herbs, it takes about 20-30 minutes to clean myself.

The majority of Empaths are going to between 5th and 30th circle. At that stage, the swamp is much faster at teaching transference, and doesn't depend on the fickle nature of other players.

-Merdell's player
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Re: Empath abilities on 04/05/2003 06:50 AM CST
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I don't post very often, think this might actually be the first time. And I don't come and read the message boards very often either, only when healing is slow. I had a couple of questions, The first one is about the Empath Coalition and the other is learning trans in the swamp?

What is the Coalition and how does one go about learning more about it and talking to someone who is in it? And is there any websites with info on it as well. And just how does someone learn trans in a swamp?

Soul of Povea
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Re: Empath abilities on 04/05/2003 08:31 AM CST
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>>What is the Coalition and how does one go about learning more about it and talking to someone who is in it? And is there any websites with info on it as well. And just how does someone learn trans in a swamp?

The coalition has a website, I believe it is cited in the signature of at least one member of it.

An empath can learn trans in the Swamp Troll swamp (by Riverhaven) by getting one or more bloodworms that now infest the swamp attached to them, then tending the bloodworm off. Everyone has the potential for learning FA and Mech from tending the bloodworms, Empaths also learn trans, everyone else can learn skinning, and Rangers also learn Animal Lore.

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Re: Empath abilities on 04/05/2003 09:22 AM CST
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>>An empath can learn trans in the Swamp Troll swamp (by Riverhaven) by getting one or more bloodworms that now infest the swamp attached to them, then tending the bloodworm off. Everyone has the potential for learning FA and Mech from tending the bloodworms, Empaths also learn trans, everyone else can learn skinning, and Rangers also learn Animal Lore.

Actually Kyn meant the croc swamp which is also near Haven- just across the river in fact. I've never played there myself: I don't relish the idea of dancing with disease! But I hear a good many empaths love it.

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Re: Empath abilities on 04/05/2003 06:20 PM CST
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>>Actually Kyn meant the croc swamp which is also near Haven- just across the river in fact. I've never played there myself: I don't relish the idea of dancing with disease! But I hear a good many empaths love it.

Yup, mea culpa. Croc swamp not Swamp Troll swamp.

And, yes, there is a possibility of infection now, so having the Cure Disease spell would be a good idea, although I think I heard (NOT first-hand knowledge from my side, not enough FA for bloodworms...) that the chance of disease is minimized if you make sure to heal any wounds quick.

And there is a whole topic for the various bloodsuckers that have started to appear in the Realms, at http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=20&category=10&topic=22

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Re: Empath abilities on 02/06/2006 11:57 PM CST
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Not sure where exactly this fits in, but as far as forging and creating items and stuff goes, there isn't really much an empath can do well that makes sense for one to do.

Not a complaint, just a statement. I am new to the game (playing about a month) perhaps there is something I overlooked.

I just had an idea though, the other day, when I found out that I can't ever intricately embroider anything (only traders can, which sort of makes sense! Traders didn't have anything either)

I thought, what if empaths could make bandages or something? Starting maybe with just creating bandages that would give the user a temp bonus to first aid ranks, and eventually, as the empath grows, they might even be able to instill a bandage with foraged herbs, potions, salves, or even magic that would actually heal a wound just above bleeding.

You might say this would eliminate the amount of healing empaths ever have to do, but this is assuming everyone carries player made bandages around all of the time (Plus I don't think they ought to heal a guy fully, I think they should at most heal a guy to just to the stage where he isn't bleeding any more.)

Obviously I don't expect all of this to get put in just so, Just an idea, thought I'd bring it up.

(I also like the empath tent idea.)

~Sensitive Kamiwynn
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Re: Empath abilities on 02/07/2006 12:07 AM CST
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I'm not sure about any Empath-specific creation systems in the work... though I believe there has been talk about giving Empaths a bonus to Alchemy for quite some time, perhaps super-charging herbs via infusing them with life mana or some such.

For your comfort, however, Lore and creation systems are slater for a major overhaul soon (DR soon at least). GameMaster Ssra is currently heading a team of a few who are currently in the process of releasing dual wielding weapons (very cool, though sadly not something you can enjoy as an Empath). After that, I believe the armor rewrite and the mech split are next.

So... basically, the current creation systems (weapons, armor, short and longbows, candles, alchemy, more I'm missing that are not guild-specific) are going to be overhauled and people who are Lore primary are going to get a huge boost. Lore will no longer be a 'useless' skillset, as Lore primary guilds (Empaths, Bards, Traders) will have a distinct advantage in all creation systems. Don't know about anything just for Empaths, but your want for something to 'make' will definitely come soon.

Malkien the Barbarian has already been to the moon: that's why there are no signs of life there.
Apis the Cleric's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

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Re: Empath abilities on 02/07/2006 06:22 AM CST
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I like the herb+bandage idea, or the FA boosting bandage. Honestly not gonna be a lot of money in that but its a really good idea. I'd dress it up and re-post in the Empath folder for your GMs to see.

Ranger Hanryu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Sword of House Calibanor
>We are Rangers, all your releases are belong to us. ~ Sylvado
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