Changing Spell Messaging? on 10/31/2003 10:50 AM CST
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I was wondering if anyone could tell me more about changing the spell messaging when preparing a spell. Right now I close my eyes and breath deeply but I remember hearing about paying some crazy ammount to get it changed to ice bursting up your arms or your eyes changing to black etc. Can anyone tell me more about this or refer me to where I can learn more? Thanks!

"And remember, people judge you not by the size of your feet, but by whether or not your socks match."
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Re: Changing Spell Messaging? on 10/31/2003 05:46 PM CST
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Hey, I've read this post in two other folders already. Stop spamming.

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Re: Changing Spell Messaging? on 11/01/2003 09:56 AM CST
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Sorry, I did not know what folder would best apply for it.


~*A scattering of rock doves take flight at your approach, flapping off in a flurry of feathers and disappearing into the stony crags.*~

Froissart gives Orphinea a dish of corn to set out back for the stray gerbils.
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