2 requests on Whole Displacement on 12/23/2002 06:07 PM CST
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1. Could there please be a message added in telling when a creature is stunned from being Discplaced? If you displace a player, you can LOOK and see that they are stunned, but there is no such descriptive for creatures.

2. Not a really biggie here, but could the chance of success vs. weight aspect of the spell when it is cast at a target be looked at? I think it is a little too rough currently.

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Re: 2 requests on Whole Displacement on 12/23/2002 06:11 PM CST
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Sorry, please ignore request #1.

Apparently the gypsy marauder I discplaced was stunned, but shook off the stun faster than I could reach across my keyboard and hit my LOOK key. :\ wow

Just discplaced a boar and it was indeed 'stunned'.

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