just curious on 05/22/2003 10:33 AM CDT
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I was reading the spell list on the website and came across arcane magic.

well under Corruption Necromancy and Perversion Necromancy i noticed some spells that seems like they were once associated with the moon mage guild or moon mana.

I can understand shadow tend, i really dont see how that falls under necromancy but hey i'm only questioning.

The others like:

Dancing Cadaver [PLANNED]
All information on the Dancing Cadaver spell has been censored by order of the Guild of Moon Mages. Requirements: 20th Circle.

Miasmic Touch [PLANNED]
All information on the Miasmic Touch spell has been censored by order of the Guild of Moon Mages. Requirements: 15th Circle.

Alot of question marks come up.

moon mana....undead....holy mana...manipulating the undead....
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Re: just curious on 05/22/2003 04:00 PM CDT
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Necromancy is simply mixing mana with life spells... in this case lunar mana.

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Re: just curious on 05/24/2003 03:03 PM CDT
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yes theres no holy mana in it at all, but life and unlife are interesting <g>...anyways if anyones curious a Cadavar is a form of zombie...

anyways corruption necromancy is life and lunar and perversion necromancy is life and elemental although I haven't a clue why the moon mage guild would sensor a life/elemental spell like miasmic touch

--The light is blinding and purges all in its path, leaving only shadows behind, but long after the light has dwindled the shadows will remain to rise and swallow the ruins in darkness
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Re: just curious on 06/02/2003 01:31 AM CDT
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By the way, any chance of those spells ever being uncensored?

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Re: just curious on 06/10/2003 12:45 PM CDT
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A cadaver is just a dead body.
Hence dancing Cadaver...dancing dead body , body brought to life(sorta) etc etc

And some will probably uncensor a little as necros come into play.
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