Active Window - MUs vs. Barbs on 01/17/2018 04:41 PM CST
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The XML output in the percWindow is pretty different for MUs vs. Barbs.


<clearStream id="percWindow"/>
<pushStream id="percWindow"/>Minor Physical Protection (24 roisaen)
Centering (22 roisaen)
Benediction (6 roisaen)
Major Physical Protection (24 roisaen)
Bless (24 roisaen)
Persistence of Mana (12 roisaen)

Basically, one clearStream, one push for the percWindow, and one popStream close when it's all done.


<clearStream id="percWindow"/>
<pushStream id="percWindow"/> Dragon (69 roisaen)
<popStream/><pushStream id="percWindow"/> Piranha (72 roisaen)
<popStream/><pushStream id="percWindow"/> Monkey (72 roisaen)
<popStream/><pushStream id="percWindow"/> Turtle (67 roisaen)
<popStream/><pushStream id="percWindow"/> Tenacity (29 roisaen)
<popStream/><pushStream id="percWindow"/>

So it's the same start, clear followed by push, but there's one pushStream/popStream combo per ability.

Is it possible to get that unified? If I had my pick, I'd choose the MU format. If, by some chance, this is just a TF thing, then could we be synced?

I'd like to update the SpellTimer plugin to fix some issues, but it's a pain dealing with the two formats.
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