a tiny gold antler on 09/07/2011 07:52 AM CDT
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Hoping this is the right place. I just wanted to record a few bugs/typos with the hart mount.

First, when you do any of the verbs that initiate the 'smooch' response (e.g. exhale, kiss, smooch), the next line/cursor appears directly after the period:

You lovingly smooch the white hart on the head. In return, it leans against you affectionately.>exp


>bow/curtsey/etc hart
The white hart gazes at you *as you as you* make a gesture of respect, then returns it with a dignified nod.

Finally, when you STUDY the hart:

>study hart
Thinking about the white hart, you think you could attempt to BOP, BOW, CURTSY, DISMOUNT, EXHALE, FLIRT, GAZE, GESTURE, GLANCE, HUG, KICK, KISS, MOUNT, PET, POKE, PONDER, PROD, PULL, PUNCH, RUB, *SLAP SMELL*, SMILE, SMOOCH, STARE, STUDY, TAP, TICKLE, TOUCH, WAVE, WINK, and YANK the white hart, although if you're not the owner, how wise these actions might be is open to doubt. If it's your white hart, to dismiss it, you remember being instructed to wave your summoning device at it.

Missing comma between SLAP and SMELL.


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Re: a tiny gold antler on 09/13/2011 11:46 AM CDT
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--GM Yucca
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Re: a tiny gold antler on 09/14/2011 10:37 PM CDT
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How cute

Just make sure it is not some sort of evil long dead ice mages' construct full of a treacherous beauty and mindless malevolence hehehe

Just watch for the red turning eyes
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Re: a tiny gold antler on 01/08/2012 07:40 PM CST
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I don't know if its a bug, or a limitation of summoned mounts, but there appears to be no way to lead the hart or get it to follow. I figured I'd deal with not being able to lead onto and off of the ferries by sending it away and resummoning once across rivers. I soon discovered that there is a limit to how often you can summon the hart. I don't know yet if its per week, 24 hours, total, etc. I sure hope its not total, otherwise I just ruined a quest endprize running my trade route.

I would like either to be able to lead/have the hart follow, or have the number of times you can summon the hart increased. I'd prefere the ability to have it follow, not really lead, since a person doesn't ever put a bridle or leadrope on it.

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Re: a tiny gold antler on 01/12/2012 01:28 AM CST
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I think they said there was a mount update coming(could be wrong) that would update the special mounts to be like the normal ones- currently you can't ride them through a lot of obstacles you'd have to lead through.
I believe the summon is 3 times per day, and like an hour between summon/unsummons.

Wave antler at it or log out to make it poof.
An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
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