Does not work! Please fix!
Bard Lydaiva's (and others) player
Horse Trading Tent in Horse Clan on 08/25/2005 08:44 PM CDT
Re: Horse Trading Tent in Horse Clan on 09/28/2005 11:58 AM CDT
Re: Horse Trading Tent in Horse Clan on 09/29/2005 03:00 PM CDT
The place you buy horses is out of the tent and a few west of there - there's an osage pen. You've probably discovered that by now, though!
Player of Kilaana, etc..
Not what I meant at all. I mean the place where traders can transfer horse ownership between two people. There is one in Horse Clan but it doesn't work.
Bard Lydaiva's (and others) player
Player of Kilaana, etc..
Not what I meant at all. I mean the place where traders can transfer horse ownership between two people. There is one in Horse Clan but it doesn't work.
Bard Lydaiva's (and others) player
Re: Horse Trading Tent in Horse Clan on 10/01/2005 12:34 AM CDT