issue with hunt verb while mounted on 07/23/2009 12:51 AM CDT
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I think i potentially found a bug with the hunt verb, or something that was missed while developing it.

here is the situation as best as I can see it.

1. I am mounted in a hunting area
2. I issue the hunt command which gives me a list of all available critters in the area.
3. I issue the command hunt 3 so that I will be able to hunt down that critter
however, that's not what happens when i'm mounted, instead, I get the following message back to me. "You'll need to disengage first."

here is exactly what I see.

You take note of all the tracks in the area, so that you can hunt anything nearby down.

To the south:
1) a shaggy black barghest

Roundtime: 8 sec.

>hunt 1
You'll need to disengage first.

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