Mounts Dragging on 04/15/2007 06:42 AM CDT
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I thought for that one barrier traders caravans could not pass? I just thought since horses could climb over why can't they drag over too?

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Re: Mounts Dragging on 04/15/2007 09:40 AM CDT
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"I just thought since horses could climb over why can't they drag over too?"

This is where teaching your horse how to jump over obstacles comes in real handy.

A scavenger troll strolls in, looks you squarely in the eye and sarcastically says, "Wow Alexii, another pile of faenrae leather breastplates. I dont know how to thank you."
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Re: Mounts Dragging on 04/15/2007 02:26 PM CDT
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To drag a body over barriers?

Make your mistakes your master piece!

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Re: Mounts Dragging on 04/15/2007 05:01 PM CDT
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I don't think dragging would be appropriate as a perk of knowing JUMP. I mean, the body would probably get snagged. Perhaps make this an offshoot variation of simply mounting the beast (one person in the saddle, ability to breathe optional). As long as you had the strength to load the corpse and maybe the mech lore to tie it down properly so it didn't fall off, you would then be able to go basically anywhere.

At the same time, traders could load the corpse in their caravans or on their pack animals in the same way (this would be a lower-circled version of caravan dragging, and maybe would have a smaller check), provided there was enough room on the beast/wagon.

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
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Re: Mounts Dragging on 04/15/2007 07:57 PM CDT
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Ooh, there we go. Now we're talking. I like it!

Make your mistakes your master piece!

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