Spots where horses will disappear on 09/05/2007 09:30 PM CDT
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I just want to warn other horse owners about two places I have discovered where the horses can disappear (and therefore, their armor). I can post this also in bugs in this folder and Paladin's warhorses in the Paladin folder so that everybody can be warned.

1. The first place I have previously posted about is in louts. I was backtraining to weaons there, dismounted to check out a building in the area, came out and my horse was gone. I figured the louts stole him. The stable retrieved him, but his armor was gone.

2. The second place just happened in Firesprites and Firecats. I stopped to help drag a deader out of the area, came back and my horse had disappeared. Of course, in both instances, I checked all ajoining rooms to make sure he hadn't just wandered, but he was gone. Again, the stables retrieved him, but his armor was gone.

Both cases, I was able to get my armor back from the very helpful GameHosts. (They know me and have a sack with my horse armor in it for these types of emergencies.)

Please save yourself the trouble and nuisance. I know there aren't very many places to take your horses hunting, but don't take your eyes of your horse in these two places or he might disappear.

Holy Warrior Airoza and her faithful Warhorse Sir Maximus
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