Horsemanship lessons, status? on 09/20/2007 01:07 AM CDT
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My ranger can't seem to learn JUMP, SIT or REAR from Samlet, the Riverhaven stablemaster. He's 40th circle and so far can:

You currently know how to instruct a horse using the following keywords: KNEEL, BEG, LEADROPE, SADDLE, SPIN.
You currently know how to instruct people using the following keywords: BAREBACK.

Is the system just 'broke' or is Samlet just kinda wonky like that?


Kalkomar Axebiter
Grimis Stok
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Re: Horsemanship lessons, status? on 09/20/2007 08:21 AM CDT
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What is the messaging you get when you ask to learn it?
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Re: Horsemanship lessons, status? on 09/20/2007 08:59 PM CDT
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Here's what I asked him, pretty much all the skills taught by ranger to horse:

>l sam
You see Samlet, a muscular Gor'Tog Stablemaster.
He has an alert face with dark blue eyes and a cleft chin. He has weathered bronze-green skin and a dark star-shaped birthmark on the back of his left hand.
He is tall, even for a Gor'Tog.

He is wearing nothing but a pair of snug off-white doeskin breeches with a vivid blue scarf wound several times around his waist.

He is leaning over a table, mending a set of reins.
>ask samlet about leadrope
Samlet doesn't have any information on that.
Stablemaster Samlet does not seem to know anything about that.
>ask samlet about sadle
Samlet doesn't have any information on that.
Stablemaster Samlet does not seem to know anything about that.
>ask samlet about saddel
Samlet doesn't have any information on that.
Stablemaster Samlet does not seem to know anything about that.
>ask samlet about leadrope
Samlet doesn't have any information on that.
Stablemaster Samlet does not seem to know anything about that.
>ask samlet about saddle
Samlet doesn't have any information on that.
Stablemaster Samlet does not seem to know anything about that.
>ask samlet about kneel
Samlet doesn't have any information on that.
Stablemaster Samlet does not seem to know anything about that.
>ask samlet about beg
Samlet doesn't have any information on that.
Stablemaster Samlet does not seem to know anything about that.
>ask samlet about jump
Samlet doesn't have any information on that.
Stablemaster Samlet does not seem to know anything about that.
>ask samlet about spin
Samlet doesn't have any information on that.
Stablemaster Samlet does not seem to know anything about that.
>ask samlet about sit
Samlet doesn't have any information on that.
Stablemaster Samlet does not seem to know anything about that.
>ask samlet about prance
Samlet doesn't have any information on that.
Stablemaster Samlet does not seem to know anything about that.
>ask samlet about rear
Samlet doesn't have any information on that.
Stablemaster Samlet does not seem to know anything about that.
>ask samlet about magic
Stablemaster Samlet says, "Magic can be a bit difficult from horseback. I can show you a trick on how to maintain your concentration while mounted, allowing you to prepare your spells".
>ask samlet about race
Samlet doesn't have any information on that.
Stablemaster Samlet does not seem to know anything about that.
>ask samlet about joust
Stablemaster Samlet says, "You should talk to a Paladin about that."
>ask samlet about combat
Samlet says, "You need to ask a Paladin to teach you that. Mounted combat is their strength."
>ask samlet about war
Samlet doesn't have any information on that.
Stablemaster Samlet does not seem to know anything about that.

Here' what he tells you about HORSE and PREPARE:
>ask samlet about horses
Samlet says, "You already know all you need to about basic horsemanship."
Samlet says, "If you want to know what we have in stock then you need to go back to the main stable area and inquire there."
[In the main stable area, type LOOK IN CORRAL or ORDER]
>ask samlet about prepare
Stablemaster Samlet says, "There is nothing further I can teach you about that."

I'll try the Stablemaster in the Middens.

Kalkomar Axebiter
Grimis Stok
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Re: Horsemanship lessons, status? on 09/20/2007 09:25 PM CDT
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Here's what I learned fron the Middens:

>ask kenefick about jump
Stablemaster Kenefick doesn't have any information on that.
>ask kenefick about prance
Stablemaster Kenefick doesn't have any information on that.
>ask kenefick about sit
Stablemaster Kenefick doesn't have any information on that.
>ask kenefick about rear
Stablemaster Kenefick doesn't have any information on that.

However, his helper was more helpful:

>ask math about jump
Stableman Mathwen says, "Yes I've taught a number of horses in my day how better to make jumps. Riders seem to have a tendency to appreciate not ending up on their backsides near as much."

Mathwen takes you aside and teaches you a new way to instruct a horse.

He didn't know anything else, tho'

Kalkomar Axebiter
Grimis Stok
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Re: Horsemanship lessons, status? on 09/20/2007 09:56 PM CDT
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If they don't know anything about that, your asking the wrong person. As you figured out, to learn to teach classes to horses you need to ask the "helpers".
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Re: Horsemanship lessons, status? on 09/21/2007 08:43 AM CDT
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>You currently know how to instruct people using the following keywords: BAREBACK.

I've been trying to get instruction for riding without a saddle for more than a couple of weeks now. I've encountered an inordinate number of blank stares and people who are too busy to help. If you have a moment IG could I trouble you for the "bareback" lessons? I was hoping to do this in a more IC fashion but that doesn't seem possible.

Cheers - "Tristtan"
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Re: Horsemanship lessons, status? on 09/21/2007 09:35 AM CDT
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Ask any ranger over 20th circle. If you see Dragamar IG he can teach you too.
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Re: Horsemanship lessons, status? on 09/21/2007 11:42 AM CDT
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>Ask any ranger over 20th circle. If you see Dragamar IG he can teach you too.

Almost every day for several weeks I've gone to the Ranger guild in the Crossing and asked if anyone would instruct this skill. I've also gwethed on several occassions (which I prefer not to do as my character typically keeps the foreign thoughts out of his head when in the Crossing.) "Arcturnal" once kindly replied that he would if he were not so busy, the balance of my efforts were rewarded with silence. I was looking in this folder to suggest that mounted skills be learnable from an NPC instructor on a quest or associated cost basis. I realize how important everyone's time is and would have preferred not to disturb anyone after a few cursory attempts if there were another option available.

I'll have a look around for Dragamar. Thanks in advance.

Cheers - Tristtan
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Re: Horsemanship lessons, status? on 09/21/2007 07:37 PM CDT
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>>You currently know how to instruct a horse using the following keywords: KNEEL, BEG, JUMP, LEADROPE, SADDLE, SPIN.
You currently know how to instruct people using the following keywords: BAREBACK.<<

If yer in Riverhaven, look for Stomir in swamp trolls or vipers, he'll give ya a hand.

But bring tobacco, he's partial to cigars. :)

Kalkomar Axebiter
Grimis Stok
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