recalling your horse after login on 03/12/2008 03:03 PM CDT
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After a quick logout and login my horse dissapeared. used to be that the horse would show up after a bit, nieghing loudly as it arrived. Latley it has just been a long wait to spend a gold to get the stable to bring him in. I'm not sure if this is just a bug, but in light of this situation i thought that it would be great if you could recall the location of your mount, or even recall your horse and it come to you from wherever it is (within a reasonable range). perhaps the latter could be a paladin/ranger only ability. I'm sure that this would reduce the amount of assists the "gods" would have to answer regarding horses and lost tack. Also, i think that the art of that lasso would be nice to see in game, ie for draggin deaders, or perhaps even in the bounty system to bring in criminals. Could be done as a light thrown vs. escaping check maybe?? That would be a nice non-violent alternative to just signing up on a list to give consent to people you've never wronged in the first place. Maybe even give the arresting party half of the fines the criminal must pay which could lead to the "posse" bringin in the dangerous criminal(s). I think that could be a fun night with a lot of rp available and no real hard feelings between those invovled.

-Boombada Brightblade
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Re: recalling your horse after login on 03/12/2008 03:36 PM CDT
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good idea, except for referring to the gms as gods.

gms are gms, and are an inherently OOC entity.

gods are the 39 <ingame, ic... kertigen, meraud, damaris, et al.>

these forums are OOC. therefore please refer to the GMs as GMs. thx.

<<Because it's a gigantic can of worms. Eldritch, necrotic, squamous worms, writhing in a vile stew of coagulating ichor, crushed from the living gullets of a thousand infant puppies, ululating in wordless terror. - Lorz>>
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