uber horse? on 09/21/2008 02:27 PM CDT
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i have had my horse for about 3-4 years now and ive had her out hunting approx. 1 hour that whole time, now ive decided to bond with her and ive been takeing her out alot, she cant hit a gryphon though she try's, but she destroys gargs, the ony thing she has hunted before that was goblins and hogs, is it natural for a horse to be able to hunt that high with virtualy no traing?
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Re: uber horse? on 09/25/2008 02:20 AM CDT
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I think there was a recent change in horse combat which made them much better fighters. I've certainly noticed a huge difference, as have others with their horses. since I've had Max for awhile now and did move him up the critter ladder, I don't know if that method is still needed with warhorses today. Max is at the point where he can fight peccs and swampies in Lang, although hitting a Lang swamp troll is sporadic, he does sometimes land some good hits. Peccs are butter to him. This was the biggest change after the horses were tweaked in combat. It think the tweak was 2 or 3 months ago? Maybe a little longer.

Lord Knight Airoza and her faithful Warhorse Sir Maximus
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Re: uber horse? on 09/25/2008 08:03 AM CDT
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> It think the tweak was 2 or 3 months ago? Maybe a little longer

Wasn't it about the same time as the avenger code was messed with? Maybe the combat routines are the same/similar for both summons?

~Hanryu Ves'Shomis
Sword of House Calibanor, Emerald Knight, Keeper of the CEC, Ranger
>Tiesse exclaims, "The power of soon compels you!"
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Re: uber horse? on 09/25/2008 08:20 PM CDT
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The avenger tweak shouldn't have changed horses...as what separates both of them from regular creatures also separate them from each other.

-GM Obseden
"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."
"Anything's possible. Especially since I'm rewriting the system."
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