Making mounts desirable on 02/15/2009 03:03 PM CST
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One of the things that I hope comes out of the "upgraded" horse system is that they actually become desired. That their usefulness is abundantly clear for more then just Paladins. The biggest thing that comes to my mind, is travel, mounts I feel should be desired because there is a noticable speed increase to using them while traveling around.

Currently the benefits that I've seen are:

1)Encumberance - Your encumberance gets ignored when moving through water while mounted. This is pretty nice if you're like me and end up transporting large quantities of boxes for your wife from one town to another.

2) A small speed increase - Ok, this one might be larger then I've seen, I did a little testing today with this. I wanted to see how much the current mount system increases the speed of travel if you were to script travel like most of us tend to do now, while we're on foot.

I made a mounted travel script today to take me from the Hib Stables to the West gate of Shard, I automated everything I possibly could in order to allow the script engine to do things for me far faster then a human being would be able to do. However, something I discovered was that it is impossible to get a horse to navigate the icy section between Hib and Ravens Point. Soooo, back up, the ole Tarupamki (Gor'Tog racial mount)! A few things to note, the Tarupamki doesn't gallop as many rooms instantly as a horse does, and I do not think that the advanced riding skill you can learn from Traders functions with Tarupamki, at least not that I've noticed, it could also just be that the tarupamki is not capable of galloping enough rooms instantly for me to see that it is working.

Ok, so utilizing the mounted script that I used, from the Stables in Hib to the West Gate of Shard took 3min 19.93secs. 10 second pause in each room for the ice section, same as the on foot script.

Using the foot travel script, took 4 min 17.14 secs. Almost a full minute difference. That's not real shabby, and if my horse were able to even be lead across the icy section, I'm positive this would be larger due to the horses ability to move more rooms instantly with gallop, and with the advanced riding and taking turns in the road without stopping this becomes even faster!

What I'm going to do is do a test run from Knife Clan to the Riverhaven ferry, that's a fairly large expanse of road to traverse where I'm almost positive the horse is able to navigate, and compare that to moving on foot.

I've always debated over the years with making an encompassing travel script, much akin to Kraelysts travel script, but for folks using mounts. The obvious problems are the wonkiness of the horse system where horses just can't seem to navigate certain sections of road for no apparent reason. So this is still something I might put off until the new system gets implemented. Then again, I do constantly find myself playing with this system, so apparently I like to punish myself, who knows......

But yeah, horsey usefullness! Yeah! Lets do it! or something

~Player of Zaud/Koryn
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Re: Making mounts desirable on 02/15/2009 03:13 PM CST
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I have always thought that horses should be treated more like the PTM system.

COMMAND HORSE TO <CITY> STABLE <quickly, moderate, leisure>

if you command quickly, you take a fatigue hit when you get there, and you risk getting lost.

if you command moderate, you take a small fatigue hit when you get there, but you don't get lost.

if you command leisure, you take no fatigue hit, you don't get lost, and it takes about what the average travel script takes now.

Also, let horses store items, and their encumbrance effects travel time.

That should be a good start.

>command horse to crossing stable quickly

You set of on horseback at a brisk pace

You continue travelling south on the Northern Trade Road the forest a blur as the horse drives on.

You notice a small sign, you think it said Arthe Dale.

You pass by the Northeast gate, you're almost there.

You arrive at the Crossings Stable.

You are exhausted after such a trip.


You sit down.
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Re: Making mounts desirable on 02/15/2009 05:16 PM CST
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>I've always debated over the years with making an encompassing travel script, much akin to Kraelysts travel script, but for folks using mounts.

Yeah, I've thought about it too, but it seems like to much work. Maybe a collaborative project via elanthipedia?
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Re: Making mounts desirable on 02/15/2009 08:18 PM CST
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Eh, maybe, the biggest hurdle for me is the desire to check every single room and route combination to ensure that it is compatible with the horse system. For example, Shard -> Hib = Impossible due to the icy slope. Or the ever infamouse northern trade route rooms that the rooms randomly become bugged and don't allow horses to cross them without a nudge from GM's. Honestly I'm still debating on it.

The other issue I've noticed with the advanced riding skill is that it doesn't always function with horses or it doesn't stop at forks in the road like it's supposed too. So, if you're at room one in a series of rooms that are (n) (n,s,ne) (s,w,e) (w,e,n) (w,ne,nw) and you go, you should only move to room 2 at a gallop, to where the exits are (n,s,ne), I'm noticing however you can end up in room 4, or 5, or another combination depending on which "random" room it decides to take you. I think this is an error in how the rooms have been coded to connect, but I haven't done enough testing to figure out if this is in fact the case or there is some logic in how the horse is determining which direction it's choosing to go.

Really the question comes down to weather or not I want to wade through the bugginess that is the horse system or wait for the new system to come out in a few years, or whenever it gets slotted for release.

I'm leaning towards going ahead and doing it, but I'm very wishy washy on this decision, if I do decide to work on it, my plans were to start in the Zoluren area, mainly because it's the oldest area, and an area that existed when horses were released, with access to natural environmental obstacles, rivers, climbable trails, paths, gates, doors, etc, to determine where horses have to be lead, or cannot traverse at all.

Feel free to email me at my address, again though, I'm very wishy washy on weather or not to work on something like this.

~Player of Zaud/Koryn
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Re: Making mounts desirable on 02/19/2009 01:52 AM CST
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I've used a horse for caravan routes for years now, and have had many experiences with the on again off again aspects OF horse bugginess.

Two of the biggest benefits I gain from using a horse is: You can't be stalked and it is harder to steal from you while on a horse. The stalking issue derives from the fact we can't travel in a group while mounted. I'd gladly give this benefit up, to allow group horse travel though.

The Advanced Riding is definitely cumbersome to use, as it will skip many rooms at once into a route you hadn't/didn't wish to go, and like you pointed out, there are areas that a horse just can't ride through for no apparent reason. I have created scripts that allow for this while moving at a gallop through most point A to B areas throughout Elanthia. Again, this gets aggrevating when unexplained routes get shut down, then reopened without any explanation from our GMs.

Well, you'll have a bit of trouble doing a Knife Clan horse run, as currently you can't get your horse to those areas, ride or leading them. I posted this in the bugs fold for horses.

[Grassland Road, Meadow]
The sickly sweet smell of buttercups and other flowers fills the air. The crunching sound underfoot announces your presence to everyone and everything else in the vicinity. You also see a musk hog which appears dead and a rose grey horse.
Obvious paths: east, south, northwest.
> nw
You can't ride your rose grey horse in that direction.

Also, you have to lead your horse through the Tunnel in the Volcanoe area north of Dirge, but it is advisable to lead your horse thru that whole area, because when eruptions do occur, and you are on the horse, it can fall on top of you and get you some nasty internal leg bleeders.

Lastly, horses are an awesome system yet poorly implemented and shamefully neglected. I think the idea you have for horse movement is a grand idea, but unless the GMs can reconcile the bugginess of this system, it will fail to frustration.

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Re: Making mounts desirable on 03/11/2009 07:54 PM CDT
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If horses become a useful part of the combat system, if I have consent on the player, I'd better be able to smash his horse to flinders. Mmmmm mallet.

Also, if we're to make horses more fun, there's gotta be a reason to have a smaller horse, otherwise everyone will just be waiting around for the next round of 18 handers, cause let's face it, they're "cool".

I'd imagine something like a speed/dodge bonuse for smaller horses.

Magic's Death Caraamon Makdasi,
Gor'Tog Barbarian Extrordi...Well somewhat average
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: Making mounts desirable on 03/11/2009 07:56 PM CDT
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Oh, and to qualify my previous statement, I don't mean "hey I got consent, but I can't kill him, lets sneak attack his horse," I mean "hey, he's fighting me on his horse, lets start killing at the bottom and work our way up."

Magic's Death Caraamon Makdasi,
Gor'Tog Barbarian Extrordi...Well somewhat average
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: Making mounts desirable on 03/26/2009 03:17 AM CDT
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Mounts should teach Animal Lore, and with enough skill you can use fiercer and less domesticated mounts.

Such as: Bears, Leucros and Unyns.

I'd like to see mounts that have the potential to go completely insane if introduced to crowds/mobs without adequate training. Mounts that are illegal in towns because they can and will attack people, unprovoked, if their master doesn't have sufficient AL.

I'd like to see harsh legal penalties placed on anyone with Unruly mounts, including the chance of having your mount "put down" for the sake of Society.

This, I think, would make mounts desirable. (to me, at least.)

That, or the ability for mounts to learn Routes and take me to various locations without the use of scripts and maps.
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Re: Making mounts desirable on 08/28/2009 04:56 PM CDT
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Regarding small horses being desirable, IRL smaller mounts are reputed to be generally more weather-hardy, better at climbing steep trails (as in the mountains) and need far less feed. They're also said to be far more intelligent (though also more ill tempered.) There's certainly room for some of that in DR if someone wanted, IMHO.
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Re: Making mounts desirable on 12/09/2009 04:19 PM CST
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I want to be able to buy a Zeharca horse because it fits my character's RP. But, from what I've heard, they are very rare.
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Re: Making mounts desirable on 12/10/2009 07:42 AM CST
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All three of the player owned rare horse breeds were sold by the same guy. He hasnt shown his face in awhile. Last I heard there were a few Therengian nobles who didnt get their orders and they are on the look-out for him.

Alexii points at a Velakan slaver and shouts, "Another one! Don't let it get away!"
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