READ FIRST: Apu's original origami data on 11/07/2008 09:48 PM CST
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Ranks to Fold Origami ? on 8/8/2003 11:04:24 PM

Ok, so I've been doing some testing, and I've got a theory about the formula for how much mech/agility it takes to fold origami. I've done some expensive, extensive scientific studies of 4 whole characters, and it works for each, so I'm going to assume that that's plenty and it must be correct :)

Here's how I'm thinking it works:

For the first fold (which uses the STUDY verb), it relies on your scholarship and intelligence. 1 point of intelligence counts as 5 ranks of scholarship. Therefore, the formula for "effective scholarship" is: (Scholarship) + (5 * Intelligence). Completing the first fold is "all or nothing", you either can do it every time or can never do it. The amount of effective scholarship required for a specific pattern, is: 25*(Pattern# + 1) + 1. See the table for the pattern number for each one.

For the rest of the folds (which use the FOLD verb), it relies on your mech lore and agility. 1 point of agility counts as 2 ranks of mech lore. Therefore, the formula for "effective mech" is: (Mech Lore) + (2 * Agility). Completing the rest of the folds is not "all or nothing". There are 6 different ranges of difficulty, which correspond to the chance that you have of succeeding. In order of difficulty, from hardest to easiest, the abbreviations for each are:

Waste of Paper
No Bets
Little Sticky
Pretty Sure
Eyes Closed

The formula for effective mech required to get the "No Bets" message is: 25 * (Pattern# - 1). Little Sticky requires 15 more ranks, Probably requires 30 more, Pretty sure requires 40 more, and Eyes Closed requires 45 more.

Confused yet? Below is a table which summarizes the results of these formulas. Remember that the 1st Fold column refers to the effective scholarship required, and that the rest of the columns refer to the effective mech required for you to first enter the range of difficulty.

Instruction Pattern # 1st Fold No bets Sticky Probably Pretty Sure Eyes Closed
Dragon 1 51 0 15 30 40 45
Hat 2 76 25 40 55 65 70
Bird 3 101 50 65 80 90 95
Star 4 126 75 90 105 115 120
Goblin 5 151 100 115 130 140 145
Flower 6 176 125 140 155 165 170
Jackal 7 201 150 165 180 190 195
Fish 8 226 175 190 205 215 220
Dolphin 9 251 200 215 230 240 245
Ship 10 276 225 240 255 265 270
Silverfish 11 301 250 265 280 290 295
Medallion 12 326 275 290 305 315 320
Gryphon 13 351 300 315 330 340 345
Cat 14 376 325 340 355 365 370
Horse 15 401 350 365 380 390 395
Mask 16 426 375 390 405 415 420
Phoenix 17 451 400 415 430 440 445
Mouse 18 476 425 440 455 465 470
Yak 19 501 450 465 480 490 495
Raven 20 526 475 490 505 515 520
Crown 21 551 500 515 530 540 545
Vulture 22 576 525 540 555 565 570

So for example, say that you had 154 mech lore and 19 agility. This would be a total of (154)+(2*19)=192 effective mech ranks. So you would get the following difficulties:

Flower (and everything easier) - Eyes Closed
Jackal - Pretty Sure
Fish - Little Sticky
Dolphin (and everything harder) - Waste of Paper

So that's everything I know so far, everyone feel free to let me know if it does or does not work for your specific case. I'm not certain that it will be 100% right on all patterns (I just assumed that they're spaced evenly in difficulty), but I'm pretty sure it will be fairly close on most.


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