Spreading Rumors and being a gossip monger on 10/11/2003 12:45 PM CDT
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Ok, I'm having a slight problem getting people to listen to me if I want to spread rumors I've heard. NOBODY listens to me...now I understand there are race, guild, and gender biases but not ONE bartender, clerk, monger, barmaid, etc. in the Crossing area will listen to me? That seems a little extreme to me...either that or I just can't get the syntax right...so...anyone have any ideas?

Shalinea, bardess in training.
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Re: Spreading Rumors and being a gossip monger on 10/11/2003 01:10 PM CDT
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What syntax are you using?

~Azimee Ta'Shiza
~Gypsy Songbird
~Tinbird In Training
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Re: Spreading Rumors and being a gossip monger on 10/11/2003 04:33 PM CDT
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whisper <barkeep, monger, bargirl, clerk etc.> <Rumor I've heard>
(then I get...)

The <barkeep, monger, bargirl, clerk etc.> ignores you.

Very frustrated gossip,
Shalinea, bardess in training
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Re: Spreading Rumors and being a gossip monger on 10/11/2003 04:59 PM CDT
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It looks like you have the syntax right. Is there a minimum circle requirement for putting rumors into the system? That's the only thing I can think of if they're all ignoring you. I have no idea what circle you are, though :)

~Azimee Ta'Shiza
~Gypsy Songbird
~Tinbird In Training
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Re: Spreading Rumors and being a gossip monger on 10/11/2003 05:02 PM CDT
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well, circle 13 with 15 charisma I can't think of anything else that would limit it...I'll ask around and see if others are able to put rumors in the system with that...this is getting kinda hard cause I'm hearing such juciy gossip and I want to spread it around but I can't figure out how...<screams in frustration> Thanks for your help by the way.

Stunted gossip monger,
Shalinea, bardess in training
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