Rumor System Expansion Suggestion on 09/21/2004 09:32 PM CDT
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This idea came to me from a discussion over in the Therengia Events folder about letting regular folks know what's going on events-wise.

>>Gossford>>You could also use the Rumor system to spread news.

This would be a perfect way to spread news, but it should be opened up further that it is. Make it so that only Bards and Traders can supply news (as well as GMs), but everyone can get news from every rumor NPC. They would just need to pay a certain amount, like 1 silver to start, and increasing for each extra rumor they want to hear. Bards and Traders don't have to pay, of course, and the NPCs that already speak to certain guilds/races should just make those guilds/races not have to pay.

As an aside, how come the barkeep in the Telgar Inn won't speak to me? I'd imagine he'd be willing to speak to Rangers in an outpost filled with them. And we're both Human.

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Re: Rumor System Expansion Suggestion on 09/22/2004 02:46 AM CDT
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I really like the idea of opening up the rumors to everyone with the pay-for idea attached! I'd love to see this system in action, I was so bummed that I couldn't use much of it as an empath. I was happy when I found the stableboy in Fayrin's would talk to me, but after I got my first 'batch' of rumors, I hardly get any now...:(

I read over on the events boards how so many people don't like to take OOC information IG, but one thing I learned during the war was that folks just aren't around 24/7 to get information as it happens in game. Expanding the rumor system to be more accessable by everyone might help to disimilate information IG better.

Another thing that might be good to see added would be a way for people who know a rumor has a grain of truth to it to 'confirm rumor' and have it gain strength in the rumor system. From how I understand it working now, say a rumor starts in Crossing. It will circulate in the first place, then the city, then might make it's way to Arthe or Leth, then keep spreading outward. However, it might also just die off in that first tavern. If adventurers could confirm rumor, that one would be given more strength, and might make it further out and/or faster. Each person could, of course, just confirm it once...hehe

I could even see a time where groups and orginaztions can 'hire' a rumor-monger to hold messages for each other. The risk being of course that anything that rumor-monger might know would have the chance of 'leaking out' into the system at know how loose tounges get after a few pints! But, it would be a great IC way of leaving messages.

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Re: Rumor System Expansion Suggestion on 09/22/2004 01:32 PM CDT
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I have to add my support to this idea. As someone with limited playing time, this would be a great IC way to keep updated on the goings on.

Wandering Recluse
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Re: Rumor System Expansion Suggestion on 09/22/2004 04:28 PM CDT
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>>Bards and Traders don't have to pay, of course, and the NPCs that already speak to certain guilds/races should just make those guilds/races not have to pay.

The value of Bards and Traders is that they DO add to the lore as opposed to merely having the ability to one day do so. I think even these two should pay, but only if they unbalance their contributions. Perhaps make it so that you get the next ASK for free after you TELL them something new. Unless it's already such that Bards and Traders have the onerous task of visiting ALL the rumor-capable NPCs to tell each one every little rumor all the other NPCs told you?

J'Lo, no that other one
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