A few more recent rumors... on 02/03/2006 08:30 AM CST
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>ask stab for rumor
A stableboy ponders for a moment before saying, "You know, I did hear an interesting tidbit from a customer. I heard that Niteshiver used his influence over Lady Lindryl to convince her to build a theater in Crossing. Seems there's a lot of bards who're worried all the talent and good performances are going to settle in Theren! Sounds like the Royal Steward agrees."

>ask stab for rumor
A stableboy ponders for a moment before saying, "You know, I did hear an interesting tidbit from a customer. Gauthus refuses to play poker with Kssarh anymore. He kept catching the Moon Mage using Piercing Gaze on the cards!"

I've heard that one before... I can't find anyone that knows anything about it, except there was a related rumor that Gathus was using some spell to creat cards in his inventory, and now no one will play with that cheating Warmie.

>ask stab for rumor
A stableboy ponders for a moment before saying, "You know, I did hear an interesting tidbit from a customer. Have you seen all the activity going on at DiSilveron? Nobody knows what the Royal Steward is up to, but I bet it involves wasting our taxes on remodeling again!"


"I'm not a thief, just a ranger with a hobby." - Kayasha
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Re: A few more recent rumors... on 02/03/2006 08:34 AM CST
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Crossing NE gate
go pat
go gate

(This Is Not) Mrrar

Out of Context Theatre
"All we know is [...] the Hubs were a sick cross between Marxism and Catholocism." -- Meerc
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Re: A few more recent rumors... on 02/06/2006 07:20 PM CST
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DiSilveron was Prince Belenderick's home, having once belonged to the DiSilveron family, and was left to the Lady Lindryl when he was assassinated.

Proprietress, The Wren's Nest Tavern

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Re: A few more recent rumors... on 02/07/2006 11:59 AM CST
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>>DiSilveron was Prince Belenderick's home, having once belonged to the DiSilveron family, and was left to the Lady Lindryl when he was assassinated.

Eh, sort of. Belirendrick had just purchased the manor from Lady DiSilveron, and it was at the public masquerade celebrating the purchase that he was assassinated. I do not believe he had yet spent a night under it's roof.

On his death, Belirendrick's properties, titles, and estates passed to his heir, Vorclaf. When Vorclaf turned up missing, it was all claimed by Sirolarn... and we all know what happened there. On Vorclaf's return and Sirolarn's subsequent beheading, everything was Vorclaf's again, all nice and legal like. I had never heard of DiSilveron being given into the ownership of Lady Lindryl, but had rather just assumed she was granted free leave to dwell there by Vorclaf, as a kinsman and Royal Steward. Did Vorclaf actually give her the deed?

Killing you softly with his song,
- Stormsinger Shavay

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
- Arthur O'Shaughnessy

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