two questions... on 04/17/2002 10:03 PM CDT
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1. Can you get more than 1 tattoo?


2. What the amount of characters you can but in a tattoo before you screw up the trace description?
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Re: two questions... on 04/17/2002 10:58 PM CDT
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1. No

2. Not sure, I know all the ones you can buy at a standard shop have the full TRACE, but not sure about the custom ones.

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Re: two questions... on 04/18/2002 08:47 AM CDT
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You can have only one tattoo at a time- apparently there's something about the toxicity of the dyes that forbids more. However, it is possible to have a tattoo and a face-paint at the same time.

Ryeka and her wolf tattoo
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