bring the ink closer to home.... on 05/11/2002 04:48 AM CDT
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I don't mind the cost, but can there be a festival or a shop located closer to The Crossing . Also it would be a little more useable if the deals and some of the custom work can be offered to 'regular' account holders too.
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Re: bring the ink closer to home.... on 05/11/2002 05:43 AM CDT
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Another thing is that the tattoos I've seen, even the tail tattoos--just don't have the sorts of things I'd like on my trader.

For the other guilds, I've found appropriate type of tattoos. The lightning-WM,etc, skull and crossbone for the barb, the gold coin in a shadowy hand for the thief, stalking animals through the forest for the ranger,etc.

Can there be a tattoo in the regular tattoo place that has something that would make trader want to journey over the high seas for?

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Re: bring the ink closer to home.... on 05/11/2002 07:10 PM CDT
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My advice is to create a list of what you'd want to see there. Give examples.

a burlap moneybag overflowing with gold coins

a stack of platinum bars in the shape of a pyramid

a mule pulling a caravan stocked with flawless jewels

Oh..and I'd also like to ask for...some tattoos..perhaps..that aren't so guild related as well. Profession isn't everything the person is. Religion and race are VERY important as well.

He has "the mark of the scorpion" upon his left shoulder. ...or something..

She has the black moon Katamba surrounded by paw prints on her ankle.
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Re: bring the ink closer to home.... on 05/20/2002 05:46 PM CDT
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I agree. I myself do not like to travel much, unless by moongate. Even if a tatoo place was put in haven, if not the crossing I would be happy. Along with a face painter.
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