Artistry on 06/14/2002 07:29 AM CDT
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With the advent of the artistry skill would it be possible to be able to do tattos with enough of that skill? Could have multiple patterns layered to make a particular tattoo. Different patterns would have different and multiple color requirements, skill, and time.

Too produce a wolf's head shrouded by an aura of flame over twin crossed swords... You would get the twin crossed sword pattern and line it up with the wolf's head, figuring out where you need to stop the swords and put wolf's head. Then you would position the aura of flame in the direction you want it be it below, above, around, etc. After these steps you'd come up with a master copy. At that point you'd have to copy it several times incase you messed up the pattern in the pattern to skin process. Next you'd trace the pattern onto the skin followed by inking each individual pattern color by color. The actual inking process would have to require a lot of artistry and messups would have to be fixed immediately with some solution, wiping the entire works progress.

You could make the tattoo guy on Harajaal accept the patterns and automatically ink them at a higher price or somethin like that too. Basically this system would allow for hundreds more tattoo design then is currently in the system and a "creation" system for this new skill.

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Re: Artistry on 07/03/2002 08:39 PM CDT
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they should come out with a tattoo/piercing/specialist guild or ability than can be if you wanted your own tattoo..your own design then you could pay a thief or ranger of sort..those guilds were just picked cause it seems they would be able to do it better..or perhaps barbarians..
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Re: Artistry on 07/04/2002 06:07 PM CDT
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<<they should come out with a tattoo/piercing/specialist guild or ability than can be if you wanted your own tattoo..your own design then you could pay a thief or ranger of sort..those guilds were just picked cause it seems they would be able to do it better..or perhaps barbarians.. >>

Or empaths. They deal with our bodies most.

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Re: Artistry on 07/05/2002 06:03 PM CDT
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>Or empaths. They deal with our bodies most.

Um, there's this little thing called empathic shock. Tattoing, piercing, etc hurt. I know, been there, done that. <g>

Player of a little empath who'd never get a tattoo ... unless it was really, really cool.
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Re: Artistry on 07/05/2002 08:17 PM CDT
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<<Um, there's this little thing called empathic shock. Tattoing, piercing, etc hurt. I know, been there, done that. <g>

Player of a little empath who'd never get a tattoo ... unless it was really, really cool. >>

Far as i see it empaths don't get shock from causing pain. Empaths can slap, kick, bite. Those all cause pain. However, the main difference is that they cause damage.

Now, you might argue, tattoos and piercings (in real life) can cause damage (bleeding, dizziness....yea, i been there done that too). However, in real life, slaping and kicking can cause damange too (blood rushes, abrasions, etc). However in the DR world, and DR rules, piecing and tattoos do not cause damage. You can wear and not wear a nose ring, without having anything happen to character health. Likewise, tattoos cause no health damage.

Jalika (who by the way is not an empath, so don't think i'm arguing the point cause i want it. Happen to be a ranger, which was one of the guilds suggested earlier. I just happen to think Empaths know bodies best. They know where piecings would be safe and not safe to do, as well as any issues with tattoos and bodily harm).
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Re: Artistry on 07/05/2002 08:18 PM CDT
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<<Um, there's this little thing called empathic shock. Tattoing, piercing, etc hurt. I know, been there, done that. <g>

Player of a little empath who'd never get a tattoo ... unless it was really, really cool.

PS - unless your suggesting empaths shouldn't be able to do anything that by real life terms would cause pain (such as kicking and slaping verbs). Then maybe i'd see your point.

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Re: Artistry on 07/05/2002 08:43 PM CDT
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<<Far as i see it empaths don't get shock from causing pain. Empaths can slap, kick, bite. Those all cause pain. However, the main difference is that they cause damage.>>

This really isn't an issue to be resolved in this folder as the realm of Empathic shock is bigger than this thread and folder.
Empaths get shock for hurting things, for trying to hurt things, etc. We don't get shock for slapping, pinching, etc. It's a bit inconsistent and most of the guild is hoping our GM's clarify it with our upcoming histories.

Suffice it to say, I seriously doubt Empaths will ever be given the ability to tattoo other players in the traditional sense of needles and stuff. Not that we couldn't "tattoo" by some other have been suggested in the past.

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Re: Artistry on 07/05/2002 09:12 PM CDT
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<<Suffice it to say, I seriously doubt Empaths will ever be given the ability to tattoo other players in the traditional sense of needles and stuff. Not that we couldn't "tattoo" by some other have been suggested in the past.>>

I doubt it too. In fact, i doubt any guild will be given the ability to tattoo any time soon. There's so much on everyone's plates right now. However, i was merely starting why i think the empaths guild would be one of the most appropriate guilds for the job, where it to happen, which is a discussion which can take place in this folder.

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Re: Artistry on 07/06/2002 06:44 AM CDT
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Bring back the tattoo kits. Henna works. We could work similarly to that one guy in Horse Clan whose name I always forget until I'm standing in front of him having to redo my 2 gold painting cause I died yet again.

Also, for piercing... roll over to H&X to steal their code for it. They have player-capable piercings.

Meli, who would love this to be the Empathic creation system, rather than anything like bandages, but that may just be because she's on strike after what her guild leader told her about needing more general lore.
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