Just wondering on 03/21/2004 07:27 PM CST
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Is there anywhere that I can go to get a tattoo on my scalp? As a tog I'd love to have a scalp tattoo.
If not then I think a tog tattoer should open with scalp tattoo's that any bald person could have. It would be designed for tog's but there's no reason bald members of other races couldn't have one as well.
There could be lots of cool tribal tat's in addition to pictures and stuff.

Mercenary Cerrebus

Tremble and despair mortals, Doom has come to your world!

Good...Bad...I'm the one with the gun.

Ride out and meet them; for death and glory! For Rohan! For your people!

I know Kung-Fu.
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Re: Just wondering on 03/26/2004 09:47 AM CST
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"There could be lots of cool tribal tat's in addition to pictures and stuff."

oooh oooh oooh! And treasure maps!

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