Trying to remember a Human title for Circle 200 on 05/27/2016 02:41 AM CDT
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All I can remember of the original post was it required some hunting in frozen? lands, and the GM stated it was one of the hardest titles to get in the Realms.
All help appreciated.
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Re: Trying to remember a Human title for Circle 200 on 05/27/2016 02:46 AM CDT
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Re: Trying to remember a Human title for Circle 200 on 05/27/2016 08:18 AM CDT
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Thanks, for trying this isn't it, it was harder, as mentioned something about extended hunting in a frozen or maybe icy area. I do have the Inspired of Lanival title already.

Followed second link to the 152 racial titles, I have already gone through those with no luck.

Not sure what to do with the third link containing administrators.

There were a couple of posts 1151 and 1158 (Game Masters and Official Announcements) that show spreadsheet lists of titles, but it's not there either, also Persida, Naohhi, and Ricinus all were involved in title development, I have been watching in game in case I get a chance to ask one of them for an assist.

Again, thanks for your suggestions.
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Re: Trying to remember a Human title for Circle 200 on 05/27/2016 09:08 AM CDT
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> Thanks, for trying this isn't it, it was harder, as mentioned something about extended hunting in a frozen or maybe icy area. I do have the Inspired of Lanival title already.

When the title list was first posted, it listed Chionophile as a requirement for Inspired of Lanival. That was a typo; Chionophile is actually an elven title. But could that be what you're remembering?
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Re: Trying to remember a Human title for Circle 200 on 05/27/2016 10:44 AM CDT
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<<Followed second link to the 152 racial titles, I have already gone through those with no luck.
<<Not sure what to do with the third link containing administrators.

Those two links are my signature.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Trying to remember a Human title for Circle 200 on 05/27/2016 02:12 PM CDT
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No, it was some odd 2 word name, laugh, at the time I thought, what a lot of work for such an odd Title, but now that I'm at Circle 200 I need a new goal, so getting this title occurred to me, but since I can't find it, I can't verify all the requirements for it.

Next week I plan on moving to Shard and hunting the Ice Archon's, but it would be nice if I could figure out if their area counts toward the title.

If I ever get it, I will put it in one of these posts.

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Re: Trying to remember a Human title for Circle 200 on 05/27/2016 02:16 PM CDT
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If it's not on the spreadsheet google doc, then it doesn't exist for Human racial titles.

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Re: Trying to remember a Human title for Circle 200 on 05/27/2016 03:52 PM CDT
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I've been considering that it might have been removed at some point, just weird I can find no trace of it.
At least now I can quit looking for it.
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