Collecting piles on 03/05/2016 01:29 PM CST
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When you collect a pile of items you currently have to get them one at a time if you want to transfer them to your inventory. Is it possible to make Get Pile, Stow Pile a thing?

It would be nice to be able to collect up a pile of healing herbs and get the whole pile to put away in my inventory to process into remedy ingredients later without the scroll of get yelith root, stow yelith root x20.

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Re: Collecting piles on 03/05/2016 02:28 PM CST
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If it helps at all, you shouldn't need to 'get item, stow item'. You should be able to directly stow items from piles.

I just checked with a pile of rocks.

>You get a rock from a pile on the ground.
>You put your rock in your hitman's backpack.
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Re: Collecting piles on 03/05/2016 02:52 PM CST
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I was looking more for 1 or 2 commands vs 20 or 40 commands but yes.

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