Breaking and Entering Loot, bugs, and item counts on 11/07/2020 09:31 AM CST
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2 Requests:

I know I put in several bug reports back when it was first released, but is there any chance you guys are going to fix the bug with the ammo from breaking and entering and how the name keeps getting shortened over and over when it's used? This is, as I understand it, a common bug with stackable items that have we'll say odd names that should have been easy to fix, but is still happening.

Would it be possible to allow more of the breaking and entering loot to be combinable?

Specifically for that, I'm referring to the amulets and lenses (one time use minion identifier and backtrace). I've got a collection of them, but unlike memory orbs, they cannot be combined. It would be a really nice QOL enhancement if they could.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors." -Raesh
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