Re: The Money Pit on 05/19/2010 06:19 PM CDT
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Skralthaen Could you post telling us exactly how the scroll Section works?

Such as if we will run out of the 100 pages?

Or if we can just add as many spells as we want to our spellbooks and invoke as many times as we want?
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Re: The Money Pit on 05/19/2010 06:31 PM CDT
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Skraelthaen is no longer on staff. Another GM seems to have taken over spellbooks.

I think it's a bug but I was just able to invoke the same page in my spellbook twice and got the message that the parchment turned to dust but the spell is still in my spellbook.
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Re: The Money Pit on 05/20/2010 04:24 PM CDT
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yup, you also get a blank response from studying, but figured it was cause I can't perma learn GG-
doesn't seem too bad, and sort of makes sense.. other than it turning to dust and still being there
if I take notes on another spell, shouldn't they stay?

Anyone with a spare slot willing to Study a spell from their book, to see if it does anything?

and i suggested learning moonblade to learn shape moonblade to get it out of his spellbook. Has moonblade ever been a scroll spell? and do you need like focus moonbeam too?


Tekemi exclaims, "It's practically a smorgasbord out here!"
Tekemi says to Tokomi, "You're the prime rib, of course."
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