Beseech Leaves better but still wonky... on 06/01/2010 10:40 PM CDT
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My spell book messages that:

I do not know Beseech the Dark to Sing and Beseech the Wind to Echo, but I DO know them.

I am told that I know that Beseech Elanthia to Seal, but I do NOT know it, as I have not completed the quest.

The rest are correct. It's no big deal, but thought the powers that be should know.

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Re: Beseech Leaves better but still wonky... on 06/01/2010 11:45 PM CDT
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I am experiencing the same type of error. My spellbook indicates that I do NOT know Beseech the Dark to Sing, Beseech the Wind to Echo, and Beseech Elanthia to Transfer. I have completed the Quests for all three, have used all three, and they appear on when I check my Beseech Mine.

Kasrendyr Windrustle, Legendary Ranger of Therengia
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Re: Beseech Leaves better but still wonky... on 06/04/2010 06:59 PM CDT
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Could you please file a bug on that? Thanks!


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.
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Re: Beseech Leaves better but still wonky... on 06/04/2010 10:37 PM CDT
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I'd normally be happy to BUG it, but I've attempted to BUG two different things in the last three weeks. The IG BUG system keeps throwing out the basic help message no matter what I type in. I've used braces {} around fields, no braces around fields, spaces, no spaces. I am not violating any length restrictions, either. After 20+ minutes of playing "guess the secret syntax" the first time around, I gave up on ever using the BUG verb again.

I'd BUG that...but that'd be a catch-22. ;-)

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Re: Beseech Leaves better but still wonky... on 06/04/2010 10:58 PM CDT
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>>I'd normally be happy to BUG it, but I've attempted to BUG two different things in the last three weeks. The IG BUG system keeps throwing out the basic help message no matter what I type in. I've used braces {} around fields, no braces around fields, spaces, no spaces. I am not violating any length restrictions, either. After 20+ minutes of playing "guess the secret syntax" the first time around, I gave up on ever using the BUG verb again.

In Stormfront, just type BUG and a window should pop up.

In any other front end, use the syntax presented in the help text.

BUG {category};{title};{text}


>bug list
DragonRealms specific categories
CHARACTER - problems related to your character
CREATURE - creatures and NPC problems
MAGIC - problems with a spell, sign or symbol
COMBAT - combat errors
ROOM - problems with a room or area
TYPO - misspellings and grammar errors
OTHER - problems with things not easily categorized
Client specific categories
STORMFRONT - problems with the StormFront Front End
ESCAPE - problems with the eScape Front End
WIZARD - problems with the Wizard Front End

So to bug a beseech, for example:

BUG magic;Beseech Leaves doing whatever;Here's a description of the bug with the beseech in more detail, including things you've tried and results you've gotten.

If you're using Genie, you need to use the escape character for the semicolon, which I believe is:


You can verify by trying to use the recite verb. For example:

recite First line\;second line\;third line

Should display as:

You recite:

First line
second line
third line

Hope that helps.

~player of Gulphphunger
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Re: Beseech Leaves better but still wonky... on 06/05/2010 12:30 PM CDT
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Thanks, Gulphphunger!

I converted to Genie about a year ago. Seems Genie is swallowing the ";" symbols on the bug help display. Couple that with need to use the escape character for the semicolon, it's no wonder I couldn't get the right field delimiter.

I'll put it in my notes for future reference.

The bug has been submitted. Now if I could just remember the bug from a couple of weeks ago...

the alleged mind behind Shendorian
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