Ok, here's the skinny on guild reqs and what changes I'd like to make and what needs to be adjusted. NOTE: This is not set in stone but is the overall idea of what I want to change. I haven't even looked at the code to adjust stuff nor have I asked for this to be approved. Given that, this is only an open discussion with ya'll to fine tune things.
1st off, the Lore calculation -- Total: xxxx in 9 included skills, averaged as 8)
By changing this to 9/9 we get a shift in total lore (based on how the #'s pan out) up or down. I'd like to keep this as close as possible as it was before. What I'm looking at now would be a staggered approach where it's a little more lore up to 30th and ending slightly less towards the upper levels (70ish) and being within 8 ranks of what's needed at 100th. I'm pretty good with this based on the other changes I'd like to see, read on...
2nd, Changes to Combat Reqs:
One of the major inequities down the line is the higher amount of weapons over defense Bards end up with since many can go to fight and blow away critters as fast as they can. What I'm looking at is reducing the 2nd weapon (or leaving it the same 2.5 at 30th) and boosting the parry req. This will mean more defense work in general which will move evasion and armor by just standing with critters more. I'm trying to stay away from giving requirements in terciary skill sets which is what led me to this idea.
3rd, changes to Magic Reqs:
We're magic secondary and have a pretty good stake in things that are coming down the pike, and our magic reqs are pretty easy (except for the 1st few circles. I can see this as an overall going up and maybe a light MD req as well.
4th, and last, Lore:
Overall with the 1st item, I think we have a pretty solid number for overall lore, but IMO some of the specific reqs were really chewed down alot when we had the last Req adjustment. I believe we should have a small increase to teaching or at least keep having the current req carry beyond where it ends now. I'm also not opposed to a single instrument req past 30th, something minor like 2 ranks instead of the dual 4 we had up to 30th.
Ok, there you have it, my thoughts for changes to balance things out for now and for the long term. I'm putting this stuff out here so we can chew this over and also so you can ask or voice your thoughts at the meeting. The lovely Deryka will be opening the MEETING verb for you today as well, but I'll let her tell you more about that! PLEASE post your comments to this in the "Questions and Answers on Guild Requirements" Folder.