Phase II on 02/06/2001 08:14 PM CST
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Hello Everyone,

Phase II - The ability to gain favors from aspects will be introduced tomorrow. The areas affected will be the Province of Qi and the Therenborough and Lagenfirth areas. (Please note that Crossings, Riverhaven, and Shard will not be affected by these changes, and that favors may still be obtained there in the usual way.) P5, when it is introduced, will utilize this new system as well.

As was discussed in last year's cleric meeting, this implementation will allow players to gain favors from the aspects if they chose, and not be limited to just the 13 Immortals.

We are aware that there are not enough altars currently available in the outlying areas to represent all 39 aspects, so hopefully more altars will be added in the future.

I have also posted this information in the GM Announcement folder, since everyone in the lands will be affected.

-GM Zabari
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