Roughly two years ago, the Divine Radiance spell was upgraded with a second use that disoriented creatures when cast at them. Due to the dual-use nature of the spell, it was assessed that a minor devotion cost (equal to what one expends for perceiving a blessed weapon) would be added for the offensive use of the spell.
Since then, the devotion system has undergone a lot of work. Now players are much more prone to try and keep high devotion due to the passive bonuses gained from it, rather than hang around the "cloudy" level where it was easily replenished before. The devotion system is configured such that it is tougher to gain devotion while in the higher levels.
In reviewing all of this, we have decided to change the devotion cost in Divine Radiance when cast on creatures. It will not be removed entirely because it is a dual-use spell (the original use as a light source never uses devotion). However, it has been greatly lessened to something much more appropriate. Also, the more you use the spell, the less likely it is to cost what little devotion it does.
-GM Zabari