A belated announcement on 11/07/2001 11:51 AM CST
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Good people of the Cleric Guild,

Due to an inexcusable oversight on my part, I failed to bring you a very pleasant announcement about your Guild Staff at the time a promotion was made earlier this year. Having just been reminded by a couple of astute players over in Talk To Simutronics, I have hastened over here to put things right.

Skralthaen is clearly one of the most dedicated, productive, and visionary people we have on the Guilds team, and his stewardship of the Cleric Guild thus far has brought you the most consistent and aggressive new development the Guild has ever seen. His efforts on behalf of Clerics are matched only by his ability to view the big picture; he has an exceptional understanding of our gameworld and not only the place reserved in it for Clerics, but also how Clerics interact and relate with other Guilds both as people and in terms of their mechanical functions. This ability to view the whole tapestry, as well as the detailed stitching of the Cleric Guild, makes him a true Guild Guru.

It is therefore my very great pleasure to announce that GM Skralthaen is, and has been since June of this year, the official Cleric Guild Guru - I am proud to have him on the Guilds team in this capacity and I know Zabari and all you Clerics are immensely proud of him too. So - although this announcement is belated, and although Skralthaen will probably chuckle and say it's all in a day's work or something (yes, this is the man who was always too busy coding to remind me to make this announcement!!) I would be grateful if you would please show your appreciation for him in your Responses topic.

Skral, congratulations and thank you for everything. You're awesome. :D

Maelona Morlamgar
SGM, Guilds
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