Combat, Req changes, and life in general. on 12/12/2001 01:05 PM CST
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I figured I had better post some of the information pertaining to what is currently the "hot" topic in the folders right now, so that those walking into the middle of it understand it for what it is, and don't get upset or "assume" things are happening that aren't.

Currently, there is a discussion - purely hypothetical at this stage - with nothing in the works to bring it to fruition. Combat Moon Mages. I started the topic and the Combat folder to give those who felt they weren't being heard after the most recent tweaks a place to discuss possibilities and suggestions for ideas on what they would like to see.

IT DOES NOT MEAN WE ARE ADDING COMBAT OR REQ CHANGES TO ACCOMODATE THIS DISCUSSION AND MAKE IT HAPPEN. Nor do we have plans to at this juncture - a year, 2 years I can't say - all I know is we don't even have a rough draft of any kind of proposal that even comes close. If I chose to take up such a crusade and push for "paths" or combat reqs to be added, you can be rest assured of a few things.

1) I'd let everyone know that is what I was doing when I started. I might not update on how its going until I had a clear answer, but you'd know.

2) Nothing would be released until I knew everyone's concerns were being addressed at the best possible level available to us.

3) This guild was never founded on combat as a part of its base. It was never intended to exist soley upon combat. IF we ever decided to take the idea and run with it, there would always be an aspect of the guild that remains as it is now, combat unrequired, with its own base set of enhancements to make it just as appealing as any other.

Will it happen eventually - I honestly can't say. It would require an awful lot of work on all sides, and a very, VERY - shall I say it one more time - VERY <g> clear cut path for both us on the development side and you, the players to understanding and making sure things are balanced and fair on all levels.

Considering the significant change this would mean to the guild, its not something anyone would wish to run into.

For now - it's just open discussion among those who wish to see another aspect of the guild. Enjoy it if you wish, Join in if you want, state your feelings, or ignore it all together - that's why I added and had it moved to the combat folder, so those who want nothing to do with that aspect can just avoid it all together if they wish.

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