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The winning entry! on 04/05/2002 06:10 PM CST
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From Sarambor:

Casting dazzle upon an item or weapon. It would last until the item or
weapon was put inside a container, moon sets, or duration runs out. Would
also allow a weapon to strike shadow creatures or armor protect from shadow

Spell Suggestion description:
By casting dazzle upon an item or weapon the mage can give it a "dazzle" of
its own. The dazzle allows the item to act as a general light source until
the effect wears off, the moon its based upon sets, or the item is placed
inside a container which shields it from the moon.

If cast upon a weapon it would allow the weapon to strike shadow creatures
similar to moonblade, this feature would have a number of strikes similar to
bless but should be more difficult to add strikes too. The strikes and
duration should be seperate because that'd be a coding nightmare but once
duration ends the remaining strikes are lost

If cast upon armor or shield it should allow protection from shadow based
attacks (tezirah's viel, DO, special monster abilities, etc). The number of
protections should be similar to the number of strikes and again difficult to
add too. It would have a chance to absorb the shadow attack, it shouldn't be
full proof protection though, either a fixed chance or perhaps a requirement
(a partial shield block or no blow greater then a set level against the

* * *

A lot of entries used similar themes, probably the most consistent one was that of using it as an alternative light source. Of course, more light is always good. :) (as it helps makes more shadows, too!) The 'attribute' ideas presented here I thought were quite interesting, another theme that I saw well presented in several entries. Prolly nice 'n useful against a certain batch of fellas...
Now, I have to warn that I can't promise that these ideas, in whole or in part, (or any other from the contest)will be implemented, but I do love the new stuff and we're always looking at ways to expand things.

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