Message Board Policy on 10/09/2000 04:33 AM CDT
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First of all I would like to make you aware of a decision on the part of the Board Monitors. Dragon Realms being a global game means that not only americans but people of all cultures and walks of life can play it. Therefore terms that previously were not cause for a post to be removed have become so, if they are vulgar or swearing terms of other cultures. These will be taken in context as well. For instance you can say a sword is bloody, but not say it as an explative.

Second, Prior to my rearrangement of the boards Paladins were without a Conflict board. I don't expect there to be much use for it, cause as players of a guild that is founded on unity and a quasi military make up, conflicts SHOULD be at a minimum within the guild and by the players of such. However you do have that board as an option to you.

Let me say that ANY conflicting post that is not in the Paladins conflicting folder will be pulled. Whole threads as was neccassary today. If that thread causes me to have to pull any other posts from a non conflict folder then it will be accompanied by a TAC warning. These boards are closely watched by my superiors and I'm not going to give alot of wiggle room on this. So Please, Remember the rules of the board. Breathe deeply, count to ten, and post nicely. Snuggly, smoochy, kissy nicely is even better in my book compared to the alternative.

Sir Snuggly Smooch Cuddly Addran the Board Monitor with a big post smashing club.
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