There will be an upcoming change, which will impact armor learning.
Currently armor is not learned when the blow is parried or blocked with a shield. The new change reverse this. PCs will be able to learn armor when they parry or shield block. This should be a great benefit for Paladins as it addresses the evasion tertiary issue.
Armor specific caps will also be removed. Armor learning will now be tied directly to the learning of the three active defenses.
There is one disadvantage which comes along with the gains. Trying to begin a new armor when highly-skilled in the active defenses will be more difficult. If you are capped for the three active defenses for a given creature, you will be unable to learn armor there as well. This will cause you to learn the new armors at or just below your current hunting level. The new armor will have you more hindered than normal so will make defending yourself more difficult.
It is doable, however. We have made certain it is possible for anyone (currently) to start up a new armor. With high defenses, you may find it more difficult than in the past. No more cake walk learning new armors at higher levels. In the long run this benefits us greatly. We have long asked for these set of guidelines.
I personally do not see the increased difficulty for starting a new armor with high defenses as a downfall. I have long advocated at hunting at your level or higher. So in my opinion this is a win-win situation. But, just like with everything we do. There will be some that like it and some that do not like it.
So, here is the heads up. The change will take place soon.
GM Raphael