Just A Few Words on 01/20/2002 07:11 PM CST
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By now, you all have read Raphael's news. His presence was one I really treasured and coming from our playing days (Our PCs were ironically related years ago) we had a unique and really tight-knit team. With the addition of Roderigo that really improved and while I am ecstatic for Steve and his wife, I cannot help but miss working with him. However, I just wanted to say a few things to you, as ... reassurance... if there is any to offer.

Some of you have been aware, through meeting the three of us, that we really were a team. All of us had equal input and we all worked toward development. If one of the three of us could not attend some meeting, the other two would communicate that person's interests and relay any discussion results and thus... things came for the guild.

Roderigo and I still maintain this team attitude and approach, and we are still working through proposals we had, approved projects we had, and an abundance of ideas. It is true that we are in a state of transition, and neither of us could begin to even speculate as to what may come in the months ahead. However, I can assure you that Roderigo and I will be maintaining the same level of Paladin representation that you are accustomed to.

I am positive that we will be participating in system design changes, we will be offering what input we are able to when things may affect the Paladin guild. While we will not have Raphael as our fearless leader, for you all, you shouldn't see a drastic change.

Anyway, I will hush, I don't think too many of you are paranoid or concerned at the moment. But just in case there may be a few folks with lingering worries, I hope I can clear that air.

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