Raphael and Guild Stuff on 02/01/2002 03:17 PM CST
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Hi all,

I just returned from being out of town since shortly after Raphael's departure.

I'd like to thank Raphael for being a good friend, for being supportive of me as a GM, and most of all for everything he's done for our guild. He'll be sorely missed. Hopefully all will go well with his family and career, and he'll find the time to come back and see us at some point.

As to the guild, we'll continue to move forward. Things that have been mentioned before, such as soul revisions and new guild requirements, still will be coming. There's a lot of work to do and things we want to bring to you. We'll continue to develop new ideas, and I encourage you to keep posting your own (as if I could stop that if I wanted to <g>).

More details to come as things progress.

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