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Thiefonly Item Protection on 04/05/2002 10:22 PM CST
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Just wanted to post a little reminder that this is now in QC, and that it will be live very soon.

A little info for those that weren't at Vegascon... This protection is going to deal away with REPORT to Kalag. It is going to become simple mechanics, and what it comes down to is... If you aren't a thief, don't have their items.

Some questioned how a player would "know" it is an ambika item... Well.. for the most part people do know, and its been posted enough on the boards. And frankly, buyer beware. If you are going to spend 100+ plats on a crossbow(which is usually what ambika's go for) I am sure you are going to find out exactly why it's costing you 100+ plats. And if you don't.. well you deserve what happens to you.

If you have questions, please direct them to the Shopping with Thieves folder, and I will try to answer them as best I can.

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