Update on 10/31/1999 08:58 PM CST
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Here is the first of those every other week updates I promised. Look for them sometime at the beginning of every other week (hence, the every other week description).

Well, now that the festival is out, you guys know what has been holding up the QC of the new dances. ;) Look for Panther any day. Again, I'll post letting you know when it's released. There will be a one week Premium preview on it.

Next, I've removed all the guild registers. I've received quite a few bugs concerning the fact that you can't remove your name once it's on there. It keeps popping back on. So, until we get them fixed, I've got the registers tucked safely in my office. And, even after we get them fixed, we need to decide as a guild if we want them at all, or if we can think of some sort of alternative.

Maelona is out of town for a brief bit, but she'll be back soon.

As was discussed at Airaman's meeting, the B-Team's next priority is Dragon. After that, we'll look at Tumbling, and see where it stands. We'll decide our next priority based on what Tumbling looks like.

As I posted somewhere else, we've got a new member in the B-Team. He's bringing a strong talent for the development side to the table.

We've got a couple small RP verbs that should be coming out any time. Nothing powerful, just neat. Very Barbaric.

Other things on the list (not in any specific order) to look at/do/develop/consider/modify:

Changes to Roar
Crossing Guild Expansions
Parry Roundtimes
Barbarian History
Magic Restistance
More Titles
Guild Reqs, specifically, MO requirement
Aesry Guildhall

And that's about all I can think of right now. Oh, as an aside: When I did the little RP event to remove the registers, a couple Barbarians got OOC upset. Guys, it wasn't meant as a joke or to insult anyone. It was just a little gnome stealing the register. When events like this happen, stay IC and have fun. ;)

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Re: Update on 11/17/1999 10:05 PM CST
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Heh, I've been so busy killing you guys I forgot about the update.


Maelona is still out of town, but has access to a computer and DR.

Panther is in the second stage of QC. I had to make a few small changes to it. I can't give a day because this part is out of my hands.

We've already began the Dragon dance pit and dance teacher. It should go faster this time.

The register event is going well. Just a note, there are several events going on right now, don't get them mixed up. I've tried to work mine into the others as well as I can. The register is but a small part.

I'll be at the meeting Sunday. If you can, attend, we'll have a lot to talk about.

A couple things I've added to my list of stuff to look at:

Barbarian Merchant (I've started this one a bit. It's something I use to fill in the gaps in my time. And, it's fun.)
Got a couple ideas for new Roars


On the S'lai assassins...I only do the assassinations. Lord Sorrow and the rest are not me, so I can't take credit for them. ;) Thank your Event team for those.

On the MR debate. I really enjoyed the MR debate, but I quit posting because it turned into a nasty conflict. I'll do that. If the conversation turns ugly, I'll just drop out.

Keep posting the great ideas. Again, even if I don't comment on each one, I do read every post.

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Update! on 11/30/1999 06:41 PM CST
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As much as I hate to say it, nothing new to report (I said there would be updates like this). Maelona and I are plugging away behind the scenes on a few of the things mentioned in the earlier updates. Panther is still waiting on the final word of approval.

I'd scheduling a meeting for Sunday, December 5, at 9:00 pm, EST. This meeting is open to everybody, and will be in the Crossing Ampitheatre. I'll see what I can do about portals, but no promises. I'll talk a bit about what we are working on, what we've got planned, etc. I'll probably give you guys a sneak look at Panther, and then answer questions from a list. Then I'll open the floor for a free-for-all discussion. Ale is on me. ;)

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Update on 12/20/1999 07:01 PM CST
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Just got back from my yearly hunting trip. It was a good time, killed a bunch of stuff. Hang with me while I catch up on the boards and with my email and such.

What I'm working on now: The second Meditation. The first being the Inner-Fire-O-Meter. The second is an ability to recharge (rekindle, restore, or whatever) your Inner Fire. This will be at the cost of something else.

What Maelona is working on: She's got her hands in several things right now. She's discussing MR with Atrathien, and she's looking at a Roar and Berserk overhaul.

Firebreathing and Mer'Kresh guild: Still on schedule.

Panther: I'm still monitoring it and gathering feedback. It's very likely we'll tweak it. Seems nobody (B-Team included) is satisified with it as is.

Meetings: I'm doing a weekly/every other week random meetings. These will be 10-15 people. No set topics. If you get an invitation, this is what it is. If you do come, you can leave at any time to exactly where you were (Yes, the portals DO work). I've already done two of these, although they were specific in that they selected those with the Panther Dance so I could get direct feedback on it. Unless I'm doing something like that, these will be completely random (there is a system in place for this) and will pull a set number of Barbarians from level 3 to infinity to the meeting area. There are usually 100-150 Barbarians who qualify on at any given time I'm likely to be doing these, so your chances are about 1 in 10.

That's it for now. Got a question for me, post in the Responses to Guru Announcments. It's the one I read first.

Oh, the deadline for book submissions is approaching. Need to get them in soon if you are going to do one.

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Belated Update on 01/18/2000 10:08 PM CST
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Well, here is a nice belated update. ;)

I've been pretty much away for the last couple weeks due to traveling and a nasty case of the flu. I'm back to healthy and in-town and back to my normal schedule now, though, so you should see me around more. Maelona has also been traveling a bit, but she's back also.


Thanks to those of you who have been invited to one of the random meetings and accepted. Your input is much appreciated. I've been doing them about every week, and so far, I've been pleased. There will be another whole-guild meeting sometime early in Febuary.


Work continues on Dragon (you guys owe Talmiran), and pending changes to Panther are being held off till then, so we can bring them in at the same time(hopefully). Firebreathing, in its nearly complete state, has been shuffled to the backburner a bit while we work on some other things.

That's all for now...

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Update :) on 05/12/2000 02:52 AM CDT
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Just some news for all you crazed warriors. ;)

Dragon Dance and its area will go on premium preview beginning today, Friday May 12th, some time in the afternoon -- depending on when the members of your B-Team drag themselves out of their respective beds. ;) The dance and the area will go on general release next friday. Both Maelona and I happened to return from vacations this evening, so the noon est thing might get smudged some, please forgive :)

The Dance itself is a 60th circle ability, and there will be in-game notice that the area is discoverable when we make it discoverable. No blabbing location on the boards or mailing lists or anything, allow everyone to have their fun exploring, but I don't expect that it will be quickly found. :)

Any comments on the Dance or the area can be placed in the Dances Folder so we keep them all in one place.

Enjoy :)

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Mini-Update on 10/09/2000 01:01 PM CDT
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Heyo Everyone :)

Just as a reminder, I'll continue to be away until at least this weekend, as I attempt to finish up moving, new job, new pretty much everything ;)

Hope everyone's having a good time, and I'll catch you guys when I get back :)

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